Chapter Five: The Talk

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Hell Groupchat
Sunday Night

Arlo: I found John, but now we're lost.

Isen: what the-

beam boy: and I thought we could rely on our two kings of Wellston 。・゜・(ノД')・゜・。

Arlo: Shut it - John

Isen: aggressive much?

Arlo: 🖕- John

Seraphina: John, could you please hand the phone to Arlo?

Arlo: .°(ಗдಗ。)°.

Remi: who sent that one-?

Arlo: anyways, could you guys help us?

Seraphina: well what are your surroundings?

Arlo: ...

Arlo: trees?

Seraphina: yeah that was stupid

"John" has changed "beam boy" to "Blyke"

Isen: h u h ?

John: hi I'm John and I'm lost :P

Remi: what is going on-?

John: I am so sorry for how I treated you all 🙇‍♀️

John: Oh and Blyke, you are just so amazing and-


Isen: oh that makes sense now

John: set a password dummy


Arlo: sorry about that, anyways Blyke you should put John's phone down, I don't think you want another beating

John: ....

John: aight I'm out

Seraphina: let's help find them now

Blyke: yeah

Isen: ...stupidity IS contagious...

Remi: oh my gosh Isen-


Isen: oh yeah

Isen: whoops ahah-

Remi: just save them now Isen

Isen: yes ma'am

Blyke: 🤦‍♂️

Isen: found you guys! Let's go! On a rescue mission!

Seraphina: shouldn't we like, leave tracks to find OUR way back?

Isen: s m a r t

Arlo had no idea how he could even be "friends" with such idiots. "They are coming our way." Arlo said as he turned to John's direction. John muttered, "Blyke is gonna get a little lesson-"

"Nope." Arlo interrupted. "Huh? You dare detest me?" John activated his ability. Arlo knew he made a mistake, but it was too late now. "John, don't you remember why we're here? It was to be friends with each other and NOT beat people up." Arlo said slowly and carefully. John snickered, "Blyke should know better, and so should the Headmaster. I'm just a beast locked up in a broken cage." Arlo was stunned. How could John say that about himself? Does he hate himself that much? "John... you are NOT a bad person. You are just lost." Arlo concluded. John looked at Arlo weirdly. "Okay yes we are lost in the woods right now, but I mean MENTALLY. You're just lonely, it's time you give yourself another chance." John was listening to every word Arlo was saying, but the moment it went in his mind John would start denying everything.

"Pft. Arlo, you don't know anything about me." John started. Arlo's anger started seeping out from him, "Then why not LET me know? Let me understand, let me help you!" Arlo argued. John scoffed, "After what you did? Is this another trap, another trick? To just betray me?"

The words echoed in John's mind.
                                                 "Let me help you."

Arlo knew John had an ability but still pushed him that day. Why? Why did he do it? He broke John. No matter how hard he would try to help, those scars he left would still be there on John. John had the right to not trust Arlo, but Arlo truly just wanted to help this time. Why am I trying so hard? To protect the students? No. To be friends with John. To help him. Because of guilt? No. I just wanna help. Why? ...I don't know. Arlo's thoughts were scrambled everywhere. Why was he trying so hard?

"John, during this week, I will try to prove myself to you. I'm not playing any games, I know what I did was wrong, I'm trying to understand you now, to help you." Arlo was staring at John. And John could tell by Arlo's eyes that Arlo wasn't lying. "But why? Why would you help me after everything I've done?" John looked like he could cry. "Everyone makes mistakes, and everyone deserves second chances. I already forgive you for your actions, if you could just forgive me and move on, we can make things right. Make a future together where no one at Wellston gets hurt, including the low tiers, the cripples, everyone!" Arlo was seriously trying to get through to John and help him, even if it meant his hierarchy had to be destroyed.

"But what if I can't move on. I've been playing the past over and over again in my head, I can't move on! I don't even know how I could! After everything I've done..." John was fidgeting with his fingers, you could tell he was really trying, really telling his emotions. Why am I saying this to Arlo anyway? John thought repeatedly.

"I'll help you! I'll help you as much as I can! You are not alone! Seraphina, Blyke, Isen, and Remi are also on your side! None of it was fake! We truly are trying to help you, John!" Arlo was tearing up too. Why?

"I-"John started before he was heavily interrupted, "DUDUDUUDDUDUDUDUDUU! RESCUE TEAM HAS ARRIVED!" Arlo quickly wiped his eyes and so did John. "WE HAVE COME TO SAVE YOU GUYS- huh? Are you guys okay?" Isen asked.

"Yeah, we're fine. Thanks for saving us!" answered John smiling. "Is this actually John?" Blyke asked. Everyone laughed after, including Arlo this time. It seemed like that talk did do something, John seemed slightly more carefree and Blyke didn't die that day.

They all returned back to the campsite, Arlo having more of an understanding for John, and John knowing that he did have someone who could (?) help him. They all went back to their tents and fell to asleep. Well maybe except John and Arlo, still thinking about their talk earlier, and questioning why each of them did what they did.

And finally morning came, Monday morning.

(955 words! As you can see I'm trying to make each chapter about 800-1000 words!)

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