52 - Desire

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Ally's P.O.V.

It surprises me how fast time can pass in a month and how much things can change. This past month has been very stressful for me, but it was also filled with lots of good company.

Luckily, Jimin and I have been able to hang out and spend some time together. Since we both have somewhat stressful schedules, we've been meeting up to go have some fun and just take a breather from life.

Spending time with Jimin has also helped us become a lot closer making me finally feel comfortable with someone. I didn't have to worry about anything when I was around him because I knew that I could trust him as a friend.

Currently, I was in the middle of washing out color from Jimin's hair since he personally asked me to do his hair for the Grammys. Obviously, I couldn't say no since my hands were itching to touch some hair.

After rinsing out all the color, I give Jimin a towel to dry his hair while we walk back to my station. Once he is seated, I take the towel and start drying his hair a little more.

"You have such a gentle touch when dealing with my hair. I like it." I could see from the mirror how Jimin was smiling at me and I couldn't help but smile as well.

"Well, I am a hairstylist after all." Deciding to play with him a bit, I answer him sarcastically, but in the end we both end up laughing.

"It's been such a long time since I've seen you like this. Do you miss it?"

"I do, a lot. I honestly don't think there's a day that I don't miss it. It's what I love doing."

"But now you have something that you love doing even more, right?"

"I guess you could say that."

"You don't love it?"

"Don't get me wrong. I do, but I don't know. Lately things have been pretty stressful, but I'm getting through it, one day at a time."

Once I dried his hair a bit, I took a seat in a chair next to him and relaxed a bit. Jimin, on the other hand, just looks at me with so much attention.

"Why are you stressed?"

"Just the usual. Training." I looked down at my hands and started fidgeting around with them.

"Are you sure that's the only thing that's stressing you out? You know you can tell me anything."

I look up at Jimin and see how genuinely concerned he is for me. It's been a while since I had someone care and worry over me the way that he does. It felt really nice and in a way it made me feel comforted and safe like I could tell him anything.

"I guess there's other things, but it's mainly just that."

"And how are you dealing with it? How are you holding up?"

I had to think about this question for a while since no one has ever asked me this. I wasn't sure how I was dealing with it. I just try to get through everyday in hopes that everything will get better, but recently I've felt like things are just getting worse.

I started to fidget with my hands even more and all I did was remain silent. I was anxious.

"Ally." Jimin puts his hands over mine to stop me from playing with them, making me turn my attention to him. "You can trust me."

I'm not sure why, but hearing those words come out of his mouth triggered something in me. Suddenly a wave of emotions started taking over me and I could feel my vision start to get blurry.

"I'm not sure. I just feel like... I don't know what to do anymore..."

My voice was wanting to give up on me towards the end of my sentence, but I forced myself to not let it show. I was also trying really hard to hold back my tears.

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