29- You Probably Have Crabs

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Aurora dreaded the action-packed day ahead of her. It was Tuesday, and she was much too cool to be spending her precious moments on such time consuming things. For one, she had a full day of classes to attend. Which, admittedly isn't all that horrible, except for the fact that she had not only dueling club right after dinner, but she also had her first "meeting" or whatever with Tom.

She seriously debated on ditching this whole "life" thing and joining the circus.

After a jam-packed morning of getting a lecture from diary-Tom about the importance of manners, breakfast with Frankie and the Hufflepuffs, as well as DADA, Herbology, and Transfiguration, well... Rory was bored out of her miserable mind. The first interesting thing to happen was right as she was walking to lunch with Francis.

She had been begging Frankie the entire walk from the greenhouses to give the girl a piggy back ride.

"Francis, pretty please?" Her puppy dog eyes were glistening brightly as she asked the same exact question for the sixteenth time.

The teenage werewolf in turn, rolled his honey colored eyes for the sixteenth time. "No," he said firmly. "I do not w-want attention drawn onto myself."

"But Franklin," she pleaded desperately, "It'll be on the both of us, not just you!"

"No, Rory."

"But you're so tall!"

An exasperated sigh. "N-no."

"But I have to practically drag your heavy ass after your furry days!"

Another sigh. "D-don't try to guilt t-trip me, Aurora."

There was a sea of students all headed to the great hall, and Aurora was obnoxiously walking as slow as possible as to prolong the trip— she really wanted that piggy back ride. "Is it because you think I'm fat?"

Frankie's eyes widened significantly as a look of dread etched into his caramel features. "Wh-what?! No, of cour—" he then noticed Rory biting down a grin, "Y-you're the bane of my existence."

She smirked, "Listen, I had to do something."

He eyed her for a moment before switching his gaze back ahead of them so he wouldn't accidentally step on the back of someone's shoe— he cringed just imagining the confrontation. "What? B-be evil?"

Aurora shrugged carelessly, tossing a strip of white wavy hair over her shoulder. "I've been spending too much time with Tom, so that sort of makes sense I suppose."

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