Chapter 42

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Heyoo! Sorry for the late update, I had something to do earlier.

⚠️Another boring chapter ahead!⚠️

You've been warned. Anyways, I still hope you'll enjoy.

This is just some of the Toman member's interaction with our dear y/n-chan.

Chapter Start

3rd pov:

Later that day

The news of y/n regaining consciousness has spread within the Toman members.

The first to visit y/n after her grandparents left was Chifuyu. He was there visiting Baji when he heard the news.

"Y/n-san, you're awake! How are you?" Chifuyu ask as soon as he entered y/n's room at the hospital.

"Chifuyu! I'm doing well. What about you? How's Baji doing?" Y/n ask as she wave Chifuyu to come sit at the chair beside her bed.

"I'm so glad you're fine now." Chifuyu said before he continued, "Baji-san is still in a coma...", he look at his lap as he continued to tell her Baji's current condition. Y/n listened to the boy while nodding from time to time.

"...Y/n-san, Thank you for saving Baji-san!" He said as he stood up and gave her a 90 degree bow while tearing up a bit.

Y/n was startled. She didn't expect Chifuyu to bow to her. Then, she softly smiled at the boy and gently pat his head as she said, "It's no trouble at all. Baji is also my friend after all."

"Y-yes!" Chifuyu answered stiffly his cheeks having a faint blush, not used to being given a head pat from someone.

Y/n chuckled lightly when she saw his reaction. They then talk for a bit more before Chifuyu said his goodbye going to visit Baji next. Before he left, he gave her a handful of her favorite candies as a gift.

The next to visit y/n after Chifuyu were the twins, Smiley and Angry. Y/n was startled when Angry suddenly slide opened her room's door producing a loud sound.

"Hey, y/n-chan!" Nahoya said as they walk in, with Souta trailing behind him carrying a watermelon.

"Smiley! Angry!" Y/n said in excitement giving them a wave. The twins walk closer to her and stop beside her bed.

"Hahaha you're alive." Nahoya stated as he laugh with Souta giving a scowl beside him.

"We've brought watermelon." Souta said raising his hand that's holding the said fruit.

"Yeah. I'm still alive and kicking." Y/n answered as she punch the air. Then she said, "Thanks for the watermelon, guys. Help me eat that."

"Your welcome." Smiley said as Angry went to cut the watermelon from the side. After a while he came back with a plateful of sliced watermelons on his hands and offered them to y/n and his brother. They made small talks about anything as they eat.

While they were eating, the door slide open and came in Mitsuya, holding a box of cake, and Hakkai trailing behind him carrying a get well soon flowers.

"Sup' y/n." Mitsuya said as he walk inside the room.

"Hey, y/n-san. Oh. Nahoya and Souta are here, too." Hakkai greeted trailing a few steps behind Mitsuya.

"I know you like sweet food so I brought you a cake." Mitsuya said while gesturing the cake in his hands. "How're you feeling?" He ask stopping next to the twins.

At the mention of cake, y/n's eyes sparkled giving the four boys an illusion of a flowery sparkling background behind her. "Caaakkeee~" y/n said in delight.

With Jackets and Dorayaki (Mikey x reader) fanficWhere stories live. Discover now