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Yoongi POV

Well jungkook is hurt huh... Why do i feel concerned about that omega?, i sigh walking up to the others
"Sup" i greeted them and they all turned around and looked at me
"Where have you been yoongi? " jin hyung asked i shrugged and said
"Just looking around looking for something interesting" they nodded

"Huh thats strange usually kookie will greet me this time but not today?" Jhope said i looked away not saying anything
"Maybe hes with the girls?" V said they all agreed walking inside the room, we sit on our chairs talking to each other when the teacher walked in

"Guys listen up!!!" She said clapping getting all the attention
"Jeon jungkook will not be attending classes today because something happened to him and hes resting right now" the teacher said and all the students nodded and continued what they're doing
"What happened to kookie...?" Jhope said pouting, jimin nodded while looking down
"Should we visit him later?" Jimin said and jhope immediately said yes

"Where will we visit him? We dont even know where he is right now and where he lives?" Namjoon said and they all groaned
"I know where he lives" jin hyung said we all turned around confused
"How?" I asked and he smirked
"I like the boy of course i should know where he lives" he said shrugging
'Jin hyung likes jungkook? Like what as a brother or lover?' I thought to myself zoning out

"-ngi yoongi YOONGI!!!" jin hyung smacked my head
"The fuck?!?!" I growled and looked at jin hyung
"Sorry not sorry but you're zoning out" he shrugged putting his hands in his pockets

Author POV

after their classes they got into their own cars following Jin's car going to jungkook's house
"Namjoon u knock you know how to handle this kind of situation" V said nervously, namjoon sighed knocking on the door

Someone opened the door revealing a old man who looks like he didn't get enough sleep and the house smells awful
'Jungkook lives here?' Thought jimin looking at the old man
"What do you guys want?" The old man asked growling
'Definitely a alpha' yoongi nodded glaring at the man
"Sir we are here to check on jeon Jungkook" the man rolled his eyes saying
"Why do you guys want to see that slut?" the man said looking at them

Jimin POV

'Slut...?' The man said, jungkook is not a slut hes an angle
"Umm is he here? Can we talk to him sir?" Namjoon hyug asked and the man growled
"No you can't see him go get the fuck out of my house" the man shouted

We nodded walking to our car
"Guys wait" we looked at the owner of that voice, it was taehyung
"Dont you guys think that man beats jungkook up? " he asked and we thought for a while
"Guys we cant just go inside that house without any permission lets just wait for jungkook to tell us and ask for help" namjoon hyung said and we nodded slowly driving away


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