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The day came and we all were just sitting in our seats normally when suddenly aether entered

He was in my and ganyus class in primary school  , he was quite very very clingy and annoying

"Omg xiao I didn't thought I would see you here do you mind me sitting here" oh god I can't be too mean

"Ok if you want to"

"Thanks you changed so much but your hair is still the same" he tried touching my hair but I quickly hit his hand away

"Don't touch my hair" I said quite pissed off

"Ok ok sorry mr grumpy dumpy" oh god he was already annoying and he was already sitting way too close to me

Girls were constantly trying to ask me out too wich didn't made it any better

Oh i wish i could Switch places with chongyun

"So are you and ganyu still friends like back then ?"


Oh god please get him away

Since today was valentine we had a lunch break

Thankfully the 3 lessons we had were finally over

aether was driving me crazy

As soon as the clock rung I went over to venti and then with venti to ganyu

~*ventis pov*~

This guy that sat with xiao today came up to us "uhm could I be with you guys while lunch I don't have any friends yet" he acted like he was like some shy UwU girl

He was already way too close for xiao

Xiao and ganyu seemed to be taking through hand language and body language

Xiao sighed "fine aether " Aether jumped out of happiness "thanks xiaoi" he hugged xiao wich xiao didn't return and instead gave me the "please get me out of here look"

"Well anyways let's go" THANKS GANYU

Aether was clinging on xiao the whole time even thi I thought I could spend some time with xiao ...

To make it a little less  awkward I patted xiaos head (HE TOUCHED HIS HAIR) , surprisingly he didn't hit my hand away

Everyone who saw it was just staring at us now

Everyone just whispered "omg he just touched xiaos hair""omg he's so dead" while Xiao didn't seem to mind

Ganyu then suddenly pulled xiao away leaving me alone with aether

"You know xiao will be mine not yours~" Aether said 

"I'm your dreams aether" I said in despite

~* ganyus pov *~



"Nobody even touched your hair since you were like 5 or 4 even I am not allowed to touch it , so unfair you prefer venti over me"

"I am not preferring anyone I don't know why I let him"


"That's because I never really liked them , I just dated them to at least say I dated someone" 

"Woah that's kinda mean why would you even do that"

"You do realize I've been gay for 4 years ?" He kind of whispered since he didn't wanted people to know  that he was gay and I understand

"What ever if you two don't end up marrying I will
Kick your ass now let's go back"

We went back to a weird tension between aether and venti

I sat down next to venti hoping that aether would stay away

But oh well he came over to us

I kind of rested on venti since I was quite tired

I was laying my head on ventis shoulder half asleep

"Hey xiao why not Rest your head on my la-"

"No thank you I'll rather stay with ventis shoulder" I said half asleep

Aether huffed and asked a few more Times

"Ugh can you finally shut up in trying to sleep" I snapped at him

"I-i m sorry xiaoboo I was just trying to be nice" he tried fake crying but I just ignored it and slept on ventis shoulder

"Xiao wake up ganyus trying to touch your hair~" I shot up amd venti and ganyu just laughed at me

"It's not funny " I said hiding my face in ventis shoulder

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