100K reads?!

701 19 6

I—wow. Okay.

Never expected this to happen—

I would like to say how grateful I am for each and every one of you that made it this far. Every single comment from the past two years (wtf it's been that long?!) has made my day, and I love you guys for it.

When I first started working on the Enchanted DVD Player series, I knew nothing about writing, and it sounds stupid but these silly fanfics were the only thing that made me want to stay alive at the time. It was a nice escape, ya know? Took away some of the pain during the height of my illness.

So anyway, thank you for the support. To celebrate, let's turn this "chapter" into a Q&A just for the fun of it! Ask anything you want and I'll be sure to answer :)

You're all amazing <3

Luv ya,


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