Lets go home (pt 2)

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TW- detailed description of injury

Would Tony be mad when he found out Peter gave away his super cool AI sunglasses that probably costed more than everything Peter owns combined?

... Maybe?

In Peter's defense, Mr. Beck made some pretty good points.

"So, let me see them on you."

"I-ok. They're kinda big right now but," Peter trailed off, slipping them on. He smiled, feeling pretty good about them, but it dropped as he watched Beck grimace.

"Eh, they're... they're ok."

Peter deflated a bit, his ego bruised.
"What's wrong with them?"

"They're not.. I dunno, they're not really your style kid." Peter chewed on the inside of his cheek anxiously. He thought they were fine.

"Not trying to put you down or anything, I just- do you think you're ready for that kind of power? Stark put everything into those glasses," he said, tapping the edge of them. "You're a kid. You should do something a little less... grown up."

Ok, fucking rude.

"I'm not a kid," he muttered, holding the glasses up for him. "You try them on then."

Without hesitation, Beck slipped them on.

He looked kind of like Tony...

Like how he was before the snap.

The Tony that would invite him over every weekend for some time in the lab and they'd work shoulder to shoulder on something that may or may not have been important but the only thing that mattered to Peter was that he was spending time with his mentor and that they were still playfully bickering over something idiotic. Then the man would drive him home later way over the speed limit because they stayed late and Peter had a curfew, but he would always laugh at Peter as he shouted for him to slow down and clutched onto the seatbelt and it made him feel so much lighter than he had felt in a very long time.

It was like the Tony that hadn't yet changed.

"You should keep them."


"You could handle them better."

Peter didn't miss the grin that spread across Beck's face. "You sure kid?" "Y-yeah-"

"Thanks. Means a lot Spidey," he replied quickly, patting his shoulder.

Peter looked away for a moment, suddenly finding the ripping fabric of his stealth suit interesting.

"So, what are you gonna do now?"


"We killed that elemental. The job's done. What are you gonna do?"

"I... I don't know, my class is leaving tomorrow so the plan's off I guess..." "What plan?" "Asking MJ to be my girlfriend." "Than go ask her out."

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