landing in Quantico

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We sit down and brief the case. My mind was wondering places i never even new existed.

"Kidnapped from Quantico from the home, left nothing but 5 sea shells trailing out the door. A clear fingerprint was left on the handlebar but did not mach any workers or visitors, wasnt in COIAD." JJ said hesitatidly.

I cleared my throat. The room went silent and all the eyes turned to me. "Guys im fine... I just had something in my throat!" my head turned towards Hotch "Did you put something in my coffee?" i say jokely, with my eyes watering up. Morgan was sitting on the table directly behind me. My hand folded behind my back and discretly ran up Morgan's leg and gripped on tight to his knee. His hand ran over my fingers and held my hand.

I felt safe holding his hands.

" Morgan and Reid you can take the bags to the hotel, Rossi and i will go to the home and the rest go to the police station, breif the sargents their." Hotch noted everyone.

We all pulled away from the circle we were sat in. Hotch lifted his fingers up to my face and lightly tapped my right cheek. He clicked his tong and wispered " cheer up kiddo, well get the bitch who got her!"

I smiled subtly. As i walked away i herd hotch say to Morgan

"make sure he gets some rest."

I knew they were family.


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