One hundred

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• happy 100 chapters people!!!•


"Five am," Arizona shook Erin awake, pulling her out of the bed before her eyes were even open.

"Pregnant lady, slow down," Erin groaned, sitting up and following her into Meredith's room.

She and Cristina were already sat up on the bed, as were Jo and Alex. Cristina's phone was on the bed in the middle and Meredith was ready to film her.

"Five oh two," Jo said.

"Move. Pregnant lady," Erin smacked Alex's arm. He rolled his eyes but shuffled over, letting Erin sit down in his previously vacated seat.

"Are you excited for your appointment today?" Cristina said.

"Yeah. More excited to see if you get nominated or not, though," Erin grinned, rubbing her growing stomach.

Cristina's phone rang and they all screamed, Cristina jumping up and down on the bed. Erin groaned as she felt her stomach flip.

"Baby doesn't like that," Erin groaned, standing up and leaning against Arizona. "Fozzy's kicking to fuck," she said.

"Answer it!" Arizona shouted, rubbing Erin's stomach.

"Please!" Meredith cried. Cristina nodded and put the phone to her ear.

"Hello? Yes, this is Cristina Yang," Cristina said.

Erin squeezed Arizona's hands in silent excitement.

"I have to pee," Erin whispered, walking into Cristina's en-suite bathroom before the baby pressed more on her bladder.

"Dr. Bailey," Erin hurried down the hallway towards Dr. Bailey as she came out of her patient's room, the Bubble Boy, with his parents. Erin's arms were laden with files of information.

"Dr. Grey," Bailey smiled at her, motioning to the parents beside her. "David and Teresa, meet Dr. Erin Grey, one of our pediatric surgeons. Erin, these are Braden Morris' parents," Bailey said.

"It's great to meet you guys," Erin smiled, shaking their hands with her free one.

"Likewise," Teresa smiled sadly.

"I asked Erin to come along and consult on Braden's case due to research she's currently carrying out," Erin said.

"Research?" Teresa said. Erin nodded.

"I want to take some labs from Braden, specifically a lymph node biopsy," Erin said.

"Why? You can cure him?" David asked.

"Uh, I don't want to get ahead of myself. I want to take his labs so I can see if I can perform gene therapy on the cells to give him the immune system he's lacking without a stem cell transplant or locking him in there," Erin motioned to the bubble.

"Dr. Grey is actually researching cures for Hodgkins and Non-Hodgkins lymphoma. They are blood cancers and are usually treated with a combination of chemotherapy and radiation. They affect the lymphatic system, which is a part of the immune system, which is what Braden lacks," Dr. Bailey said.

"My goal with the lymphomas is that I'll be able to take biopsy samples and analyse the specific genes that are causing the cancer, so that I'll be able to genetically engineer a treatment that responds to the cancer cells and kills them. It's a process called genetic therapy but it's still not very widely developed, yet," Erin said.

"But what does this have to do with Braden?" Teresa said.

"I'm hoping," Erin said, looking from Teresa, Bailey and David to Braden in the bubble, who was watching them curiously, "that, when I can specifically isolate the genes causing the cancer, I can analyse the non-cancerous ones and compare them to the biopsy I want to collect to Braden. That, theoretically, should give us more of an idea of what specific components of the immune system Braden lacks and we can then look into more targeted methods at providing them without locking him away," Erin said.

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