Confederation is bitch

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DC: Dad do you love me?
Confederation: Maybe if you weren't such a little bitch I would!

Ohio: Tell me you're a fucking mistake, without telling me your fucking mistake. I'll go first-
Indiana, turning off his phone: Shut your mouth.

Confederation: I love all my children equally.
Confederation: Go fuck off DC.

Ohio, PA, and West Virginia, playing Uno at 3 am:
PA: What the fuck are we doing with are lives?
Ohio: Draw 4.
West Virginia: Damn it!

West Virginia, leaving Virginia: You remember one time I liked you?
Virginia: No.
West Virginia: Good cause it never happened!

Ohio: I would like to take you to a cliff, and throw you off of it, you little fucking BITCH!
Michigan: It's 2 am what the fuck?!

West Virginia, eating pure icing: This is a vibe.

West Virginia: Every friend group has the..
West Virginia, pointing to himself: The stupid one.
West Virginia, pointing to Ohio: The depressed alcoholic.
West Virginia, pointing to PA: And the one that will beat your ass.

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