Someone's gonna pay

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Kol's pov

Me, Elijah and Rebekah are nearing the compound after me, Elijah and Rebekah stopped Marcel's inner circle vampires from killing the wolves. They weren't pleased when we appeared and stopped them since Klaus gave them the go ahead but I wasn't willing to let down Davina as I know how much the pack means to her and Hayley.

Klaus is in a huff because we stopped the wolf killing spree but he just doesn't seem to grasp why the pack is important and that he put a target on his own kind for once again his own selfish reasons.

"Hayley" Elijah says rushing to Hayley who was lying motionless on the ground just at the entrance of the compound just as you go to walk into the main part of the compound.

"What the bloody hell?" I say as Elijah inspects Hayley while Rebekah goes over to Monique who is lying motionless on the floor a bit further away from Hayley but I don't care about her. I frown as I see one of Davina's shoes just randomly lying on the floor. "Where's Davina?" I ask "Davina!" I call out as I start searching through the different rooms in the compound in search of Davina but I find no sign of her making my heart sink.

I return to the front entrance "Davina's not here, she wouldn't have left Hayley like that" I say gesturing to Hayley who Elijah brought into his arms, picking her up bridal style. He walked over to the couch and gently set her down.

"What the hell?" Monique groans as she starts to wake up and I instantly flash over to her, grabbing her by the throat and slamming her up against the wall making her gasp "where the hell is Davina?!" I yell "I-I don't know" she coughs trying to pry my hands off her throat "liar! Where is she?! You were here now tell me where is she!?" I yell tightening my grip on her throat.

"Bloody hell Kol if you want answers let the damn girl breath so she can speak" Rebekah says walking over and pulling me away from Monique making me drop her and she gasps as she collapses to the floor.

"I-I don't know where Davina is, I don't even know what happened. I was knocked out before Hayley and Davina came back from going out" Monique explains rubbing her throat "they went out?" I ask "yeah I forgot to mention, I saw Hayley and Davina in the bayou when the vampires were running rampant after the wolves, trying to stop them. They left when I spotted them" Elijah says standing by Hayley's side.

"Let's get back to the matter at hand okay? Monique you were knocked out?" Rebekah asks looking at the witch "that is what I just said" she replies in a snotty tone so Rebekah gives her one hefty smack across the face making her yelp. "Don't give me attitude little girl, I kindly stopped my brother from choking the life out of you so be a little more respectful when talking to me" Rebekah warns with narrowed eyes.

"Now tell us what happened?" Rebekah asked "I came downstairs and I was attacked by some unknown witch, I tried to fight back but she was stronger. I didn't see her face as she was stood in the shadows by the front" Monique explains "what the bloody hell happened here?!" Klaus snaps as he enters "an attack on the girls happened and now Davina is gone" I explain running a hand through my hair as I pace around the room before grabbing a chair and flinging it across the room making it crash against the wall.

Hayley suddenly sits up gasping making Rebekah and Klaus rush to her except for Monique who heads upstairs "what happened?" Rebekah asks "I don't know, me and Davina came back and saw Monique passed out on the floor and then suddenly everything went black around me" Hayley explains "Monique said some witch attacked her and knocked her out" Elijah says "Davina? Where's my sister?" Hayley asks standing up looking around alarmed.

"She's gone, whoever attacked must've took her" Rebekah says making me growl "and they are going to pay for taking her!" I snap before I catch Klaus eyeing something on the floor "there's blood here" he says crouching down and swiping his finger in the blood getting some on his finger.

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