She's an Idol Too? She's Very Unique... I Like it!

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A/N: Sorry to be back so soon, but this one hit just a tad bit different. My personal send-off, with the only way I know how. Thank you, Coco Kiryu, for being yourself. I started writing this right after I got the news. She will be ending all streaming after three weeks. I'll release something on the last day as well.

Today is something different... But not really. It just so happens that Y/N forgot to close the blinds, so the sun hit him early. He didn't even get a chance for his alarm to play. It was supposed to be Bakamitai from Yakuza zero. He won't get to play that today.

Y/N: "I hate when something unpredictable happens, and it ruins everything. How annoying."

He turns off his alarm and goes to do his daily routine. Exceedingly average, nothing out of the usual happens. He doesn't even smell anything special. Oh well, it's not like he needs to eat breakfast. He's grateful that anyone would take their time to do something like that.

Y/N: "Streches are important. Kira recommended I do five sets of ten every morning to prevent back pains. He's the doctor, so I can't argue with that." Not like I know anything better. Oh well, it's done me no harm.

Once done, he drives to the office. He smirks while looking out into the clouds. It's a beautiful day outside, and nothing can ruin that. Even the events of this morning can't destroy his smile. Going to the, he notices a lack of cars. As he goes up the elevator, he notices how truly vacant the office can be. It's lonely when you're used to being surrounded by happy faces. 

Y/N: "Anyone here?"

Motoaki: "No, not yet. I must say, you're remarkably early. Any reason for that?"

Y/N: "I forgot to close my blinds, so I woke up two hours earlier."

Motoaki: "Wow. That explains why A-chan is always here before you."

Y/N: "Hm?"

Motoaki: "She gets ready thirty minutes after sunrise each day. Her attendance is incredible."

Y/N: "So, who is all coming in today?"

Motoaki: "Coco Kiryu wanted to see me today. I don't know why that is, but she said it's important. I'm going to be in a meeting for most of the day. So it's not going to be until later. She said she'd be hanging around."

Y/N: "Oh, that's cool. Should I be up there too, or?"

Motoaki: "No, no. It's a meeting with me and the investors. We're going to discuss this month's earnings. You two did remember to make a timeline, right?"

Y/N: "It should be on your desk already."

Motoaki: "Good, good. Alright then, I'll trust in you to get everything you want to be done. Please greet the guests for me. I'll be busy all day. So I won't get the chance."

Like that, he bows before heading up the people mover.

Y/N: "Who knew this place could be so empty?"

The building moves a little as huge gusts of wind are felt through the entire building.

Y/N: "Oh my. What's happening?!"

Voice: "Hey, are you up yet?"

Y/N: "I'm awake. I've been so for a while now. Who's asking this?"

Voice: "No one special. Just a super cool idol."

Y/N: "Are you going to reveal yourself?"

Voice: "Go ahead, look outside the right window."

He does as instructed and sees a dragon starring at him.

Isn't This Supposed to be an Idol Agency? (Hololive x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now