Chapter 10

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Previous Chapter (Chapter 9)

They quickly get up and run to Ishina's way. "I feel like if we don't go right now we will be scolded" Arjen muttered.

"Let's hurry!" Arien mutter in panicked.

"Royals shouldn't run in such a frivolous manner" Ishina said when the triplet arrive in front of her.

'Even if we come quickly we're still scolded..!' The triplet thought in shocked.


The triplet was walking back to The Palace with Ishina and the others maid behind them.

"Imperial Prince, Imperial Princesses" Ishina suddenly talked. The triplet stop walking and turn around while stare at Ishina.

"Yes?" Arien and Arjen asked while Ariana just tilt her head in response.

"What did you talk about with The Second Prince?" She asked.

"Ah.." Arien let out while Arjen and Ariana look at her in confusion. 'I guess we can tell her a little bit?' Arien thought to herself.

"Umm, we talked about.."


Ariana then interrupt Arien and Arjen before they can say anything. "We don't say anything. Just a private thing" She said straight away.

Ishina widen her eyes a bit before nodded. "What Second Princess say is true" She said. Arien and Arjen become shock and look confused.

Ishina sigh when she knows that Arien and Arjen was still confused. "You shouldn't be telling others about a conversation you shared with a Royal. Only The Second Princess seems to understand it" Ishina explained.

'Huh..' Arien let out.

'What a common sense' Arjen said the last two word in sarcasm.

Ariana just chuckled through their telepathy. Three Royal guards with golden armour suddenly kneel in front of the triplet.

"Imperial Prince, Imperial Princesses. We've come to escorts you" They said in sync.


The triplet looks at them confusedly. The three guard lift them and brought them to their arms.

Arien and Ariana was blushing in embarrassment while Arjen move in panicked. "Wha-what's happening?! Why are you doing this??" Arien said quickly.

"Don't let it bother you. All children of noble birth are usually carried around" Ishina said. The triplet stop squirming and look at her in shocked.

"HUH?? But we never heard that.." Arien muttered slowly but loud enough for all of them to hear it.

"I have cared for all the other princes and princesses before you with my own hands, but.. It's because you three are special" Ishina explained to them shortly.

"?? Spe.. Cial?" Ariana asked softly. Ishina sigh in stressed.

"There's the issue with your powers but also, when compared to the others royals, three of your imperial highnesses growth is slow. EX. TREM. ELY. SLOW" Ishina said the last sentence loudly.

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