Chapter Seven

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Jermaine's POV:

The kids were off to summer camp and we've already taught them how to call us when they need us or if they are scared to ask us something to write us private letters. I saw Kiki reading something from our son, Jr. She laughed so hard. I enjoyed seeing her laugh.

Jermaine: " What is it, my love?" I asked with a smile.

She handed me the paper. It read.

Mom. Dad. Our teacher is sending us home with permission slips to teach us sex education. I don't even want to know about it. Please check no. I don't want to learn about it especially from a stranger.

Our child sounds just like their uncle Michael. Michael has always been afraid of women interaction. He doesn't interact well with other adults because he feels they don't understand him. Michael had a short childhood. He was five when he joined the family band. It's hard on him still to this day. Which is why he loves playing and spending time with his nieces and nephews. I chuckled at the thought. My wife finally composed herself.

Kiki: " Well, baby it seems like we have to teach our babies about the good stuff."

Jermaine: " Do you want me to teach him?"

Kiki: " I'll help, honey." She said kissing my cheek. I nodded.

I always knew she'd back me up. I pulled my wife closer to me and held her in my arms. We talked for awhile and was reminiscing about our favorite moments so far in our lives. She turned on music and that was my cue to ask her to dance with me. She wrapped her arms around me and we closed our eyes. We swayed slowly and perfectly to the beat of the music. I lifted her chin and kissed her sweetly and then kissed her forehead before she laid her head on my chest. When the second song ended . We turned off the music and heard the phone ring. I went to answer it. It was about our son, Jr ... he was missing. I called everyone in the family and we set up a search for our boy.

When we found our son. He was with his birth mother, Hazel. Hazel was doing hard drugs. I had to maneuver and slip our son into the limo with my wife. She held him tight and looked concerned at me.

Jermaine: " Hazel." I said worriedly. "You really should get help. Our son cannot and will not be around you like this." I said sternly. "Why aren't you in rehab?" I asked calmly.

Hazel: " No money , no home, no family, and nowhere to go."

Jermaine: " Hazel, you have Family. You have your father, your mother, and our son. You have us too... you know. You're still family to us. We want to see you doing well, Hazel."

I gave the security guard money to get her into a private rehab . Hazel looked pitifully at me. We got home and Jr held on tightly to his mom and my wife.

Kiki: " It's alright, pumpkin. Mama's here. We aren't going anywhere. You just calm down and rest okay."

Seeing Hazel like this traumatized my son so badly he had nightmares for a few days. Every step of the way, we were there and we even got a lamp for him to sleep with to feel more comfortable. Kiki kissed our son and daughter goodnight and I did the same before shutting the doors. We still use their baby monitors in case they get scared and need us and we don't hear them right away.

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