One hundred and seven

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"Herman said she logged into the hospital interface and watched me all day. I lost that mom and she said the only thing she would've done was an interuterine transfusion, so I told her I needed to learn it for the next time. I'm gonna keep her secret," Arizona told Erin that night as they put Archie and Rueben down.

Alex was downstairs with Callie, Meredith and Maggie, all drinking and talking about Ellis. Jo was there, too, but she'd locked herself away in the study and wouldn't talk to anyone.

"So, do I need to put on my hacker gloves and get to work?" Erin said.

"Yeah. I think you do," Arizona sighed. Erin squeezed her hand and closed their door over, turning the monitor on.

"Don't worry. We'll figure something out," Erin said.

"I know," Arizona squeezed her hand back, leading Erin downstairs to get back to their friends and family.

"This was Ellis' house," Maggie said, staring at one of the bookcases in the living room where Erin, Arizona, Alex and Jo kept their medical journals. "This is where you grew up," Maggie looked at Erin and Meredith.

"It was nicer before Alex trashed it," Erin smirked at her friend, head on Arizona's lap as she drank some juice. She was breastfeeding and, while she could pump, she couldn't be bothered with the hassle of pumping enough for two days and then pumping all of the alcohol-contaminated milk out afterwards.

"Oh, shut up. It smelled like books," Alex smirked. Meredith, Callie and Arizona laughed.

"Well, it smelled a lot better when I lived here. Now it just smells like babies and Karev," Callie laughed.

"Wait. You lived here, too?" Maggie asked, sitting on the chair beside Alex's.

"Everybody lived here," Erin, Alex and Meredith chorused.

"I practically lived here with George, right?" Callie said. At Maggie's curious gaze, she continued. "George was my ex-husband. He was in their resident class," she explained.

"O'Malley," Erin held her juice up to the ceiling.

"O'Malley," Alex, Callie, Arizona and Meredith copied.

"I'm sorry. Your husband?" Maggie asked Callie.

"Yeah, she does dudes, too," Alex said.

"True. I did him once," Callie motioned to Alex. Erin laughed.

"True," Alex said.

"She did Arizona, too," Meredith said.

"You did?" Maggie looked between Callie and Arizona.

"We broke up because Arizona was head over heels for Erin but Erin was with Jesse so Arizona wouldn't tell her," Callie said.

"But Erin was head over heels for Arizona, just wouldn't tell her. It took Archie being born for them to admit their feelings," Meredith snorted.

"Wait, Archie was born?" Maggie looked at Arizona and Erin.

"She adopted him last year. We got together about two months after he was born," Erin nodded.

"Wow," Maggie said.

"I didn't do Alex, though, before you wonder," Erin said.

"I didn't do him, either. I did do George, though... once," Meredith said.

"Oh-ho-ho!" Alex laughed.

"Yeah, yeah," Meredith rolled her eyes.

"I remember that," Erin laughed.

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