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I want to tell myself this place will be safe, only because I just need my mind and body to rest. As well with everybody else. I know we all want the same thing. Sanctuary.

The gates began to open, and a man stood there smiling at us. It was a genuine smile, not a disgusting smirk that I've seen on some men.

I turned to the side to look at Carl, but his eyes were some where else. "What is it?" I asked, and he turned back to me. "I thought I saw somebody, but never mind." He said, and looked at me.

We slowly walked in, and the gates closed behind us. We looked all around at this place in amazement. It was weirdly clean, and handled very well.

"Hi, I'm Nicholas. Welcome to Alexandria." He smiled.

I looked at Carl, and he looked at me. We were both studying this guy at the same time.

"I just have one request before we go and explore this place. I'd like for you to drop your weapons into that bin on the side of you." He said, and I already rolled my eyes. Oh brother.

"We have no intentions of using our weapons. We're not putting them down till we know what we are getting ourselves into." Rick said.

"It's nothing personal, but you just came from outside. We don't know you. Therefore we can't trust you just yet." Nicholas said.

"Well, if we had any intention of using our weapons we would've done it by now." Rick told him, and Nicholas's stare hardens.

"There's somebody we would like you all to meet before we go and settle you all in." Nicholas told us all.

"Who?" Abraham asked.

"Deanna, she runs this place. She would want to ask you all a few questions. Harmless." He replied.


"She just wants to ask you a few questions, just answer her honestly Bailey, you'll be fine." Carl told me, with his hand on my cheek.

"Okay, just wait for me outside of the door.. Okay?" I sort of asked him. "I will, don't worry." He told me, and kissed the side of my cheek.

I opened the door, and walked inside. Seeing the famous Deanna standing over by the couch with her very cleaned style and hair. It was astounding.

"Hello, welcome. If you could just take a seat right there while I adjust this camera. Then we can begin."

"Why're you recording this?" I asked her, looking all around at how well kept this place was. I'm still in shock about it. I guess the world can do that to you when you just came from a barn that reeks of horse shit to a place that smells like lavender.

"I do it with everybody that comes in here, just for educational purposes." She said, smiled, and sat down.

"What is your name? Full name?" She asked me, and I just sat there awkwardly.

"Bailey. Bailey Walsh." I said, and she nodded.

"How'd you find yourself with your group?" She asked, and I felt skeptical about her calming niceness when she asked me.

"My dad and Rick our leader, were best friends. We all ended up together, I don't know how but we did."

"Where's your dad?" She asked.

"He's uh. He's dead.." I said, and fumbled with my jeans. I felt so uncomfortable.

"And your mom?" She asked, and I looked back up at her.

"She died. When I was 12. She had cancer." I told her.

"How'd your dad die?"

If I told her Rick killed him, she immediately sense something wrong with Rick when there wasn't. I had to lie, in this case honesty wouldn't be key.

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