~Easter Break Begins~

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Draco POV: 

The next weeks trudged by at an unbearable pace and Easter Break had already crept up behind me. Harry still hadn't talked to me since Dumbledore left. I don't understand why. He must have seen the messages I left for him and I don't understand why he is so mad at me. 

Since there was no longer any contact from Dumbledore I took it upon myself to contact Mrs. Wealsey to inquire whether or not the plans to use the Borrow as a safe house was still happening. She informed me that it was and I had made arrangements to move my mother and me to the safe house within the first weeks of the break. I also asked whether any of her children would be home during the break. I knew that would not go over well, and I had my fingers crossed as I opened the letter. 

They would be coming home in the first week and then would travel back to Hogwarts for the remainder of the break. Around the time my mother and I get situated. She mentioned Harry going as well, at the mention of his name my heart gave an involuntary pang. Despite that, I made sure not to forget to express my gratefulness to Mrs. Weasley. She and her husband were kind-hearted people. 

In the Slytherin dormitory, my friends and I all packed up our trunks. Mine had been destroyed after someone stole the book from it. Which I haven't forgotten, but have forgiven the person, for it meant that Harry and I got together. That alone am I eternally thankful for. Regardless, it took many advanced charms and a lot of time to restore the piece to its previous condition. 

Trailed along the floor were disregarded items of clothing that my dormmates promised they would clean up but have yet failed to do so. Stepping over the mess I sighed as I used my wand to fold some shirts into my trunk. 

My mind drifted to how I was going to escape the Malfoy Manor fortress, that alone was a challenge. With my mother, I could only begin to imagine. 

I was also unsure whether I would even come back to Hogwarts after the break at all. Don't get the wrong idea, I really want to finish school. It's just that my mother's safety is my main priority at the moment. If that means missing out on a few years of schooling, so be it. 

Soon, I finished packing my trunk entirely and fastened the lid to make sure it was secure. I then made my way to the train. My friends had already saved a compartment for us. 

My fingers trailed along with the cold glass windows, some moisture wet my tips and I saw the streaks of clear, transparent class where my fingers had been. Most of the compartment doors were closed as I had arrived late and the air smelled of sweat and treats from the trolley. I walked along with the downtrodden and faded patterned carpet on the train until I finally reached the carriage Theo had told me about earlier. 

From outside the compartment, I could hear the staggering laughter from inside. The familiar figures of Pansy, Blaise, Theo, Vincent, and Greg were hazy in the slots of windows I could see through. The door slid open to reveal Pansy. 

"Come on Darling, we don't have all day." Pansy expressed with a mixture of amusement and annoyance. She sashayed as she moved back to her seat and I entered cautiously placing my trunk in the overhead space. 

On the train ride, we had sweets and there was an abundance of loud talking. Mostly from Pansy and Blaise. Vincent and Greg contributed sometimes with the occasional comment. Usually just showing interest in their stories. Theo on the other hand was more reserved. He spent more time just watching, and eating his chocolate frog, of course. All in all the train ride was over too quickly and it seemed like no time at all when the station came into view. On the platform, I could see both of my parents waiting for me. 

Both of my parents were dressed in thick, luxurious fabrics, freshly pressed to give off the traditional Malfoy presence. On my father's wrists, there was the hint of gold, which told me that he was wearing his expensive suit. The one with golden cuff-links the one for special occasions. 

Pansy and Blaise left almost immediately while Vincent and Greg followed in their suit. I took more time to get off the train and Theo waited for me to get myself sorted. We left the carriage together and down the corridor, I saw the one person I desperately wanted to see, but at the same time desperately wanted to avoid. 

Harry caught my eye and started moving faster to get off the train but unfortunately for him, there was a queue. Theo and I managed to get pressed up right behind him and he squirmed to getaway. 

"Say something." Theo hissed at me and made a frantic shrugging motion. 

"What do you want me to say?!" I whispered erratically. Harry averted his eyes, not wanting to look at me. 

"Anything you prat!" Theo reasoned, but I panicked and wiped my sweaty hands on my trousers. 

"Potter! Seems like you have been avoiding me lately. Any reason? Or are you just that afraid of me?" It was probably the worst thing to say but I was also in public, and there wasn't much I could say. 

Harry was about to say something when the queue freed up and instead he dashed outside the door. Not minding the gap. 

Theo looked at me incredulously and snapped. "What did you expect me to say?" That shut him up but I could feel his judgment radiating off him. 

When I got off the train my eyes followed Harry to where the Weasleys were all gathered. "Why are we only staying for a week, Mum? Usually, it's longer!" I heard the youngest Weasley ask and I felt my face burn. 

"Well come on Draco, make haste. Being slow is unbecoming." I heard my father's disapproving voice coming from somewhere in front of me. 

"Right, Sorry Father," I said. This was going to be a long week. 



Hi everyone! Thank you so much for reading this story and for 1,1k views! It means so much to me. 

For the past few days, I have really been struggling to get regular updates and I think I will need to slow my updating pace. It has started to become too much for me, especially with exams. I just need some extra time to focus on my mental health. 

I will try to update in a day or two but I can't promise anything. 


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