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Heart and Soul
By Catching_Raindrops

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Story Description:

Claire is a ghost with unfinished business. Her human life ended centuries ago, but no matter what she does, her soul has not yet been redeemed. Once a year, she is allowed one full day on Earth to fulfill her destiny, though Claire is convinced that it's impossible... until she meets James Buchanan Barnes.

Since the day that he was born, Claire has watched over Bucky. Her heart is drawn to him in ways that she cannot explain, but if he's the key to finding peace, then she's willing to do whatever it takes.

Based on:

Captain America: The First Avenger

Captain America: Winter Soldier

Captain America: Civil War

Avengers: Infinity War

Avengers: Endgame

Falcon and the Winter Soldier


Chloe Bennet as Claire LeRue

Chloe Bennet as Claire LeRue

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Thomas Doherty as Azrael

Chris Evans as Steve Rogers

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Chris Evans as Steve Rogers

Chris Evans as Steve Rogers

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Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark

Anthony Mackie as Sam Wilson

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Anthony Mackie as Sam Wilson

Anthony Mackie as Sam Wilson

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And of course...
Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes

Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes

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Author's Note:

A huge thank you to void-dreams for creating the beautiful cover. Thank you for being an amazing friend and creator. Please go give their stories and account some love!!!

Yes, I know Chloe Bennet already plays a Marvel character, but she is who I imagine Claire to be. This is also a completely different universe in which ghosts and angels exists, so I think it's okay that we let this one slide lol.

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Marvel Characters or their storylines!

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