The Red dragon 01

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Ever since he was born, Blain had been called a genius. As obvious as it may seem as he had dabbled his first word as an eight month Infant. He began reading at the age of two. He started elementary at three, skipped grades at five, reached highschool at seven, began joining scientific activities at twelve and graduated college at sixteen.

But despite this, his life story was not publicized nor was his continuous achievements praised.


Because the world had no time doing trivialities such as awarding and recognition. It was in a state where it's going to be destroyed because of the humans who inhabited it themselves. They kept building and building infrastructures and machines making the world too cramp for everyone and soon took over other planets and its moons including the earth's.

The progress of trying to repair and trying to destroy earth had become so normal, people are just waiting for it to give in and die eventually.

Yet Blain didn't want that. He wanted to restore the world from where it isn't a bunch of a dumpster. He wanted to see the greens he never knew existed.

Trees and plants are rare. Most of the things he saw were mere common grass and trees in the smallest city of the world. To get access to that place, you must pay appropriate price--a fortune.

City of Greenhouse was his inspiration for his researches. He always had a plan in motion for that. What he needed to do was create and make something useful for the war in order to get a name for his place in the world and be recognized, maybe after that his doctrine will be respected.

He wanted the look of the world from when it was two millenniums ago but he knew people would mock his sentiment as it was merely a hopeless wish.

But he didn't give up.

He studied it for years with his friend. He was too close to recreating the world. Just a few more tweaks from his magic serum and the dead soil will harbor back to welcome the beginning of change.

But in a blink of an eye, his dream turned into ashes... literally.

Blain could have sworn that burning alive hurts like shit that you wanted to die the very second the burning flames coveted your life in a slow painful manner.

It took him what? Ten seconds of screaming as he began to burn like some barbequed chow, his skin sizzles disgustingly, listening to its unbearable sound, five seconds enduring the pain on the floor smelling his own burnt flesh, another five seconds feeling his senses to have numbed and then nothing but utter darkness.

That was the most memorable twenty seconds of his life. It was unforgettable and horrifying. A moment that felt like an hour but of course, his logically speaking mind had something else to think about than his death.

He died without seeing the end of this decade of blood spent war. Unable to finish his scientific work that could've been revolutionary than the first. His mind revolving in many ways but one thing took the cake of his current attention.

Yet today, maybe a few moments after his death, his consciousness miraculously returned and his mind quickly flew confusion... or was this just the effects of a smoke drug infused bomb? Had his enemy infiltrated his lab?

A lot of possibilities registered itself to his head. More to his disappointment, he realized that he was sober and his death was real. He wanted to think more, however was stopped as he was distracted by the current event at hand.

What exactly is more important than figuring out why you're still breathing after you've been burned alive, you might ask?

It was the moment Blain Knijah(nay-jah) had opened his eyes only to be welcomed by a scenario he did not expect... to see a crying giant male carrying him.

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