Chapter 60

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The final chapter
Quinn's pov

I looked back at my hand with hope. I looked at the chord wrapped around my wrist. I unwrap the chord from my wrist. I let out a sigh before walking out. The nurse walked in to turn off the machines. Wyatt snaked his arms around me again. A few moments later she walked out with her head down. "So it might take a few minutes for his body to react to being taken off the machines that we're keeping him alive on. I doubt it will me more than an hour. You can go sit with him if you like" she smiled weakly before walking off. We decided to go and sit with him for his last few minutes.

His parents stayed outside as they claimed it was too hard for them to be in a room with their dying child. Wyatt held onto me as we walked in. We all stood around the bed. I pulled away from Wyatt to sit on the bed. He looked kind of upset that I moved away from him but I didn't think much of it. I grabbed Luke's hand with both of mine. He looked slightly normal. No tubes and shit coming out from everywhere. It kind of made me feel worse seeing his face. His beautiful innocent face. Suddenly I felt a slight warmth in his hands. I smiled a little remembering all the times he would kiss and hold my hand. I was snapped out of my thoughts by a feeling of my hand being squeezed slightly. I was shocked. I jumped up. "He squeezed my hand!" I shouted. Everyone looked at me like I was crazy. "Quinn calm down, I understand that you haven't been sleeping lately I think you were just imagining it" Carson tried to calm me down. "No Im not crazy! He squeezed my hand" I shouted back. "Quinn stop!" Blair pulled me out of the room. "You see that boy in there his brother is dying! You are exhausted and imagining stuff that's not real! You are giving him and yourself false hope! You are driving yourself crazy. I think you should stay out here" she shouted at me. "I'm not crazy please let me back in there. Please" I begged her. After a while she sighed "fine but stop with this act of yours" I agreed as we walked back into the room.

It been 28 minutes since he's been taken off the machine. We've all been waiting patiently for him to be taken out of his misery. I sat on the bed and just stared at him. He looked kind of peaceful laying there. Suddenly his heart rate started to go up before it dropped. The machine went flat. All of us looked over at the machine. The noise beeping though the room. I could feeling my heart stop for a split moment. I let out a breath. I placed his hand down on the bed. I squeezed his hand before looking back up at him. "Goodbye my love" I whispered as placed my forehead on his. He opened my eyes to his his wide at me. I screamed before falling back. I landed on the ground beside the bed. "His e-eyes are- are- o-open" I stuttered. Everyone's eyes ran to him. He's numb expression facing all of us. We were all in shock. His facial expression changed. It looked confused? "Are you guys okay?" He spoke with a husky tone. We all stared at him. "Did he speak or am I imagining this too?" I said almost as a whisper. "No no I heard it too" Wyatt stuttered. "Someone go get a nurse" I yelled out. Blair ran out of the room. "You guys are acting really weird." None of us dared to answer him. "Anyway what day is it I feel like I've been asleep for months" he giggled slightly at himself. "It's April" Carson blurbed out. "Dude stop playing it's February!" Luke rolled his eyes with a laugh. "You guys aren't gonna fool me that easily" he chuckled. "Actually you've been in a coma since February it's been 2 months" I looked at him. "The doctors took you off the machines keeping that we're keeping you alive and said you wouldn't last an hour and now your awake" I stated.

It been a few hours since he woke up. The hospital has been going crazy. They can't understand how this happened. It's been chaos. I walked up to his room and leaned against the frame. "Hey" I said quietly. "Hey" he replied. "Umm can we talk?" He nodded as I walked in and sat on the bed a few inches away from him. I got really nervous. It was awkward for a few moments before I spoke. "How are you handling all this?" I looked at him. "Well i just found out I was in a coma for 2 months so kinda freaked but I'm okay" looked looked up at me. "Good good" there was a few moments of awkward silence as I looked down at my feet. I began to figet with the rings on my fingers. "I'm really sorry about what I said in the car. I said it out of frustration I didn't mean it. I understand if you don't wanna talk to me anymore because I was horrible. When you were in the coma I visited you everyday. I would sit here and do my homework and then probably cry for a while. I realised that life is too short and I shouldn't make myself suffer over something in the past. So umm what I'm trying to say is I want to be with you because I love you and wanna spend the rest of my life with you for however long we have left" I looked up to meet his eyes. His face softened. He rested his hand on mine. "I would love nothing more m'lady" he said with a smile. Our faces got closer by the second before our lips finally met. It was one of the best moments of my life. It was magical. Better then I remember. His hand caressed my cheek and I moved closer. We pull apart and stare into each others eyes. He let out a small giggle. He moved over a little and patted the space next to him. I smiled and moved up. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close. I rested my head on his shoulder. "I missed you".......

"Lukie" his mother sang as she walked into the room. I could feel him cringe at the name. "Am I interrupting something?" She looked at us. "No mom" he rolled his eyes. "So we have something to tell you! We have moved home!" She giggled. "What!?". "Well when you got sick we realised that we are never here. You guys are growing up so fast and we're missing it. So your father took a new job in the next town over and I'm going to work from home" she smiled at him. He was shocked. I saw the smile he had when we were alone fading off his face. His mother left a few minutes later. "So I knew they moved home but I didn't think they were going to stay. Are you okay about this?" I looked at his sad face. "I'm kinda happy they're moving home but annoyed that they decided to do it after I almost died. It's gonna be weird having them there all the time and bossing me around" he looked into my eyes. "But at least I have you now" he lifted my chin up with his finger and kissed me. I giggled after we pulled apart. "Oh yes God forbid someone bosses you around" he chuckled at my remark.  "I love you" I rested my head back on his shoulder as I intertwined my hand with his . "I love you too"............

I down the hallways of the school for the last time till September alone as Luke had to finish the rest of the school year at home. I can't believe junior year is over. I have one year left till I graduate. I feel like I'm growing up so fast and it's scary. I opened the door to the school before walking out into the fresh summer air. I saw Blair wave at me from across the parking lot. I smiled as I walked over to her and Carson . "Ya ready?" She asked at me before getting in the car. "Of course". A few minutes later we stoped at this little hill. I stumbled out of the car.

"Hey losers" I shouted across the soft grass. Luke and Wyatt smiled at me. I ran over to Luke who was sitting down at a picnic bench. I kissed him before sitting down next to him. "I'm surprised your mom let you out" I giggled. "Well I may have not told her" he chuckled while wrapping his arm around my waist. Blair and Carson arrived a few moments later.

We've been sitting at the picnic bench for a couple hours till it got dark. Not a pitch dark sky. Just the time when the sky looks a orange with a slight pink as the sun sets. Everyone laid on a blanket to look up at the sky. I stayed on the picnic table next to Luke as he wouldn't be able to get up if he laid down. Sometimes I forget he's just over surgery. I locked my hands with his. "The sky's so beautiful" I smiled glaring up at the sky. "Nothing like you" he chuckled. "Eww when did you become so cheesy" I said playfully.

Third person

"Let's make a toast" Carson handed everyone a glass. "Junior year had its highs and definitely its lows but we made it somehow. Hopefully next year is  much better for us." Carson began. "You guys are more of a family to me then my actual parents so I just wanna say I love you all so much. May we all have a good senior year as we'll never forget this one" Blair held her glass in the air as everyone laughed. "To a amazing senior year" Blair smiled. "To an amazing senior year" they all yelled as they clinked their glasses. Everyone took a sip of their drinks. Blair and got up off the blanket to join Luke and Quinn. "Dude I need to tell you something" Wyatt said nervously. "Okay shoot" Carson took a sip of this drink. "I think I have a crush of Quinn" he said nervously as Carson coughed up his drink..........

Authors LAST note: OMG THAST ITS LADIES, GENTS AND OTHERS. I LOVE YALL SO MUCH AND THANK YOU FOR ALL THE SUPPORT!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm literally gonna cry like it's almost been a year since I started writing this. I want to wish you guys all the best in the future and maybe I'll see you guys again soon if I post another story!  Sorry for any typos! Thank you and I hoped you enjoyed the ending ;)

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