Chapter 3: Hide and Seek

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After the lot of you had eaten, Heesung was sent off back to his room to get ready for your lessons this afternoon. Sunoo and you has got back from the seamstress and are now fully clothed with the palace's uniform. You wonder why they were wearing an all black ansamble but you were given red one. Even Sunoo was given something a but nicer than what madamé Rosa has given.

Eli said it's because he'll be a companion to another royal here and she doesn't want Sunoo to look like a slave again. Sunoo's new clothes fits his blond hair and adorable smile. He was given a beret, dress pants and a nice flowy top that reached his wrists and a pair of leather shoes that he loves the instant his eyes layed on them. He was sent to the east wing of the palace to go meet the royal he's suppose to accompany. You on the other hand was given something out of the ordinary, red.

"Please let your hair down," Eli says as she clasps the belt  infront of you.

You look at her in confusion and she smiles.

"Prince Heesung hates pinned hairs. You heard how he described her past teachers right? He'll atleast be comfortable with that," she says and you did.

You let your curly hair down and your brown curtain of hair easily cascades down your waist. Eli then smiles at you warmly and leads you to the library where the prince usually gets his lessons. This library is not short of a grand. Tge rows and shelves of books are endless and you remind yourself that you're here to be a teacher for a royal.

"It's been months since I last held a book," you said to Eli.

Eli faces you and smile sympathetically. She knew what you've been through and why madamé Rosa sent you here. It's such a waste for you and Sunoo to be locked up in there forever.

"That's okay, you have all morning to read through books you like before your class with the prince later this afternoon. You can take it easy, maybe introduce yourselves and get to know more about each other,"

You gave her a small nod and a smile. Eli then takes her leave and you were left to figure out the library to yourself. You neared a space where a desk with two well-upholstered chairs is placed infront of a chalk board. Eli said this js the place where you two will be staying for most of the lesson hours. You reached for the notebook that's covered with leather and scanned through the schedules. His first lesson for today is history. Thus, you searched for the book and other learning materials for it. Although you haven't held a book in months, you will never forget what it contains.

Luckily, the teacher who home schooled you was very very kind and knowledgable. She would teach you ways on how to sgare your knowledges as how a teacher would. It made you want to be teacher before but you know you'll never be since your father wanted you to be married off to a wealthy family. Who would've thought that you'd end up being a teacher in the most unconvenient way?

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