Chapter 1

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'How it all started'
Disclaimer: I am not Cassie Clare and I do not own TMI or TID... *sigh*

It was a rainy day in London. Well, a normal English day. Jem, Will, Charlotte and Tessa were in the dining room, being served lunch by Sophie and Cyril. It hadn't been an extraordinary day until Henry and Magnus broke into the peaceful meal.

"We did it!" Henry screeched.

"Did what, Henry dear?" Asked Charlotte.

"We managed to create a Portal that not only transports in space, but in time as well." Magnus explained.

"I'm guessing Magnus made sure it was safe." Will inquired, which earnt him a death glare from Tessa.

"We need to try it to know." She said, standing up.

She followed the two proud inventors to the crypt, Jem, Charlotte, Sophie and Will on her heels. The Time Portal was ready, shimmering powder blue where the wall should have been.

"It's set for a hundred and thirty years from now. Tessa, picture where you want to go and we'll follow." Henry said.

"No, she won't go first! Are you insane?." Will screeched.

It was too late, for Tessa had already stepped through the shimmering doorway, picturing her hometown. Will immediately jumped after her.

Tessa immediately felt the air stripped from her lungs, asphyxiating her. She heard Jem's silent gasp somewhere behind her. And then she fell on her face on a gravelly drive. Will, Jem, Henry and Charlotte scattered around her.

"Are you ok, Tess?" Jem asked quietly.

She nodded. Will hurried over and lifted her to her feet.

"Welcome to the New York Institute, Londoners!" Said a purring voice.

"Magnus!" Charlotte exclaimed.

It was indeed the cat-eyed warlock, wearing a purple robe and covered in sparkling powder.

"Magnus! Maryse wants you in the- Oh, er, hello?" A redhead girl came skipping down the steps and stopped abruptly when she saw the four strangers.

"Clarissa, these are Theresa Gray, James Carstairs, William Herondale, Charlotte Fairchild and Henry Branwell." Magnus said.

"Fairchild? Herondale?" The girl paled.

"Yes, they come from the past." Magnus explained.

"Uhm... pleased to meet you. Shall I get Jace?" She looked worried about having to call him.

"No, you've been in the Institute for months, I'm sure you can manage them yourself." Magnus winked and disappeared into the church.

"I'm Clary Fr- Morgenstern." She introduced herself. "The Institute is run by the Lightwoods- Maryse and Robert and their children Alec and Isabelle - and Jace Herondale." She sighed on the last name.

"Lightworms! Disgraceful! And a Herondale! I hope he carries the family name well!" Will said.

Jem laughed quietly and patted his parabatai on the shoulder.

Clary felt an irresistible urge to draw the silver boy. She put that aside, along with the temptation to run her fingers in his silky locks. Instead, she guided them around the Institute, ending up in the library. Maryse and Jace were there, arguing. Clary cleared her throat, to announce herself. Jace turned midsentence, mouth open and arms in the air. He quickly averted his glance.

"What is it, rune girl?" He hissed. "I'm in the middle of a conversation with Maryse so if it's not important-"

"It is, Jonathan." She haunted.

She pointed to the door, where the five guests were standing. Jace narrowed his eyes, but the woman scuttled over.

"Of course! Magnus very kindly informed me of your arrival. Very well, Mr. Herondale, this is your descendant, Jace. If you want to catch up on various family resemblances, now is the time. Jace I have no more to say on the matter we were discussing." Maryse said briskly. "Clary, if you'll accompany the others to their rooms."

Clary nodded and stalked out, closely followed by the Londoners. Tessa's room was between Jace's and Isabelle's, the Branwell's next to the Lightwood's and Jem's next to Clary's, with Alec down the hall. When the guests were settled, Clary collapsed on her bed. After a few moments of peaceful silence, the door squeaked open.

"Simon, I'm asleep." Clary moaned, forgetting for a moment that her friend couldn't remember ever knowing her, let alone enter the Institute.

"Actually, it's a much better looking golden boy." Came a drawling voice.

Clary sat bolt upright and stared at the boy she had once loved so much.

"What do you want?" She asked him.

"To talk. I've been really horrible to you lately, and I'm sorry." He said.

"You? Sorry?" She laughed. "See, that's your problem. That's exactly why I've been avoiding you. You'll say anything just to get to me. Even if it's not true. No more lies, Jace. You said when we thought we were related that you wanted to hate me. So do that. If you think what you feel is so wrong, then hate me."

"I can't. I wanted to, really. But I love you too much. I didn't want to hurt you, that's why I wanted to be your brother!" Jace was whining.

"You wanted to have a reason to despise yourself! Despise yourself for your 'wrong' feelings!" Clary shrieked, jumping to her feet.

"Clary..." He sighed, stepping towards her.

"Get back. Don't you dare comfort me or try to kiss me. I swear if you come any closer I'll put a mendel rune on myself!"

"What's going on?" Jem asked, walking in.

"None of your business." Jace yelled.

"Nothing Jem, I was just telling Jace to leave and he was kindly obliging." Clary said tiredly.

Defeated, the blond fled the room. As soon as the door clicked shut, Clary collapsed on the bed and was overtaken by tears and shivers. Jem was beside her in an instant, awkwardly rubbing her back.

"It's ok. Sshh, sshh it's all fine." He said soothingly.

They sat like that until the redhead recovered.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked.

She nodded and launched into the story of her encounter with the Shadowhunters, saving her mother and the Mortal Cup from Valentine, the battle at Renwick's, falling in love with Jace Wayland, then finding out he was her brother, the slaughter of the Silent Brothers, Simon turning into a vampire and, later on, a Daylighter, the battle on Valentine's ship, her power over runes, Idris, Sebastian and the binding rune, Jocelyn's awakening, realizing Jace was Stephen Herondale's son, Valentine's downfall and Jace's 'rise from the dead', Lilith's rune, Jordan and Maia, Jonathan's return, Jonathan kidnapping Jace, Clary going after him, the Archangel Gabriel's sword, the Endarkened, the attacks on the Institutes, the Heavenly Fire, the Carstair girl and the Blackthorns, the trip to Edom to save the Downworld representatives, the Fair Folk's betrayal, killing her own brother, Asmodeus taking Simon's immortality and memories, Jace's love. And her feeling of betrayal after his harshness and mockery. Jem was a very good listener.

"Do you mind if I sketch you?" She asked timidly.

He nodded and she picked up a sketchbook and pencil. She got to work, trying her best to catch the shadows the sun cast on his face, the shimmer it gave to his silvery hair and the spark in his eyes. When she was satisfied with her picture, she turned it for him to see. His jaw dropped comically and she rolled back laughing, straining back tears and holding her stomach.

"You are really talented!" He exclaimed.

Clary just shrugged it off as if nothing much. He caught her hand in his, making her gasp.

"Do you have a music room here?" He asked.

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