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Liliya's footsteps echoed down the empty corridors as she headed towards the study. She didn't know what Aleksander was doing, if he was busy but she didn't care. She simply wanted to see him, she had missed him and she looked better so wanted him to appreciate it. Her hips swayed and the kefta hugged her perfectly as she pushed the office door open.

Aleksander was sat at his desk, hunched over slightly and he seemed to be mulling over plans. His hands resting on the desk before he sat back and pushed his fingers through his hair. He was so lost in thought that he didn't realise she was there. Not until she was practically sat in his lap.

"I missed you," Liliya said as she cupped his cheek with her hand. Her legs adjusting to more comfortably straddle him in the chair. She could feel the wooden arms digging into her but she ignored it. Aleksander met her gaze, blue clashing with brown but his face softened. The frown lines on his forehead eased up and his eyes lit up at her appearance.

"You look better," He said as he moved his hand to rest against her hips. She smiled and nodded, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. Her nose nudged his before she just rested, her eyes falling closed. His followed suit and they just listened to each other breathing for a moment before Aleksander pulled back, "I will be back in the room earlier tonight. I promise," He said. His words were almost dismissive and Liliya sighed. Slowly, she moved off his lap before nodding.

"Okay," She mumbled. She tried not to show her annoyance but it seeped into her appearance slightly. Not that Aleksander noticed. Instead, he just went back to his work and Liliya walked back to the room. A huff escaped her lips as her back collided with the bed, her hands covering her face as she kicked the bed frame with the heel of her foot.

A soft cry of pain escaped her lips and when she opened her eyes, Aleksander was stood at the door. An unimpressed and slightly confused look on his face. He quickly dismissed her actions and instead, closed the door before walking over.

"What's wrong, milaya?" He asked as he discarded his kefta on the dresser. Liliya shook her head and stood up, pulling her own off. They both needed to get ready and she didn't want to unload her issues onto him. He had every right to be busy but a large part of her just wanted his attention. Wanted all of his attention, "Liya. We agreed," He reminded. The redhead sighed, her hands resting on the buttons of her undershirt.

"I feel neglected. I miss you and I want to be around you. I love you but most of this past year, I haven't got to see you as much and it's been made worse with Alina being found. I wanted us to work together but I feel like you are distancing yourself. I don't want to lose you," Liliya said, the words tumbling from her lips without her even intending them to. She didn't want to rant at him but that's what she did. A soft sigh escaped her lips and she shook her head, "I didn't mean that," She mumbled. Aleksander stared at her for a moment before he removed his last layer of clothes from his torso. He then walked over.

TORTURED SOUL, general kirigan ✔Where stories live. Discover now