Chapter 18- Bipper is back

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This chapter is dedicated to thelonelybanana123 who got me started on Gravity Falls

"It's been about a year now since I last
possessed this kid," said Bipper.

"Dipper!" Shouted Mabel she wanted to cry. She had broke the deal and she had no idea of what Bipper was going to do. Trigger walked up to a Mabel and grabbed the Cipher stone.

"What is going on!" Said Stan looking confused.

"Dipper has been possessed by Bill for a second time and both have been my fault!" Cried Mabel bursting into tears.

"Don't cry about Pinetree, I can see him right now, he's being very annoying, 'give me back my body' 'hey stop copying me'" mimicked Bipper laughing.

"You leave my nephew alone!" Shouted Ford.

"Look at sixer thinking he is so amazing, well news flash Weirdmagedin was just the beginning of my plan. Here is the thing the zodiac are a threat or a gift to me, I have only a few left to go and I can have my own ultimate wish fulfilled I can open a rift through time and undo my biggest mistake," said Bipper, "these ropes are annoying I'd rather be free." Bipper conjured blue fire and burned the ropes.

" What is going on!" Shouted Powers.

"Get a puppet now!" Shouted Mabel.

"Why would we do that?" Asked Trigger.

"Just do it!" Said Mabel.

"Of course so Dipper can communicate," said Ford.

"We don't have any puppets," said Trigger.

"Fine I'll do it," said Mabel managing to remove her shoe with her foot and take off her sock, "Dipper use it!" Suddenly the sock began to float.

"Uh Mabel do I have to use your sock?" Said the sock in Dipper's voice.

"What is going on with the sock??!" Said Trigger.

"It is my only way to communicate when Bill steals my body don't worry I had to do part of Mabel's show like this," said Dipper.

"Watch out!" Shouted Ford as Bipper threw a ball of fire at Dipper.

"I have deals with Mabel, Stan, Dipper, Ford, and Gideon Now I can force the rest to make deals with me for the Pines safe return!" Shouted Bipper as he managed to burn the sock Dipper was using. Grabbing every ones socks he grabbed the agents keys after tying them to chairs and left the room locking the door behind him.

P.S. you need to decipher this for the story to make since
Dvmwb hsllp srh szmw uli gsv ivgfim lu svi uirvmwh, Kzxrurxz nzwv z wvzo uli Wrkkvih hzuvgb, Ilyyrv wrwm'g dzmg gl hszpv yfg dsvm Gznyirv dzh gsivzgvmvw sv lyortvw, Hllh wrw rg uli srh uzgsvi orpv urtfiv, Nxtfxpvg yizevw gsv yofv uriv uli srh kzigmvi'h oruv

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