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Even though finals were right around the corner, you'd think that I'd be studying my ass off. Wrong. 

Tonight, I was going out to the bars with my friends and boyfriend.

I wanted to forget about all of the stress and just live.

Studying could wait until after Thanksgiving.

I had on the cutest corset-looking top with jeans. My hair was down and in its natural state, my lash extensions looked good, but most of all I felt good.

I knew I would feel even better once I got a few lemon drops in my system.

I was kind of surprised that Andrew had been such a supportive boyfriend throughout my storm. He knew that food and flowers always made me feel better, so he went out of his way to surprise me now and then.

As for my family, I think that I was starting to process our new reality a bit better. I knew that things would never be like how they were in the past, but they could always get better.

I had a lot of faith.

Even then, I still needed to blow off some steam.

Surprisingly enough, I hadn't made TMZ for underage drinking.

*Knock on wood*

I loved bar hopping.

One bar would be country-themed, the other would have 2000s hip-hop playing, it was exhilarating to see all of the different atmospheres.

I was kind of liking the fact that Drew was tagging along with the guys. Don't get me wrong, I adored my boyfriend, but my girls were my favorite to party with.

I looked at all of my friends. "I think we need some more shots."

"I'll be back." I smiled before walking away.

"Can I get a round of lemon drops?" I asked

The bartender winked. "These are on the house especially for a pretty girl like you."

"This may just be my new favorite bar." I said to him. "Thanks for the compliment."

"I work every other weekend." he pointed to his name tag. "Peter."

"Natalia." I introduced myself. "Are you a student at UCLA?"

He nodded his head. "Grad student. Are you?"

"Senior neuroscience undergrad." I lied so he didn't write Xs on my hand.

"Future brain surgeon?" Peter wondered as he made the shots.

I made a sour face. "Hell no. That's way too much school than I have patience for."

"I understand that completely." he handed me my drinks on a tray. "You know where to find me. Good luck with sophomore year."

As I said, everyone knew who I was now.

I winked. "Thank you."

I brought the lemon-drops back to my friends, we all took them, and it was starting to feel like I should dance on a table.

But I didn't want to be on TMZ or any other news station.

I felt someone grab my hand. "Hey."

I turned towards Drew and threw my arms over his shoulders. "Hi!"

"Let's go outside, I think you need some fresh air." he said in a serious tone.

He held my hand tightly and we walked outside the bar.

"Why are you flirting with that slob at the bartender?" he immediately questioned me.

I rolled my eyes. "C'mon, Drew, he's a bartender! That's practically part of Peter's job description. I wasn't flirting with him."

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