Ch66.1 - Big Boss

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The car drove slowly through the street. Li Zhao saw Yan Ting staring at the cotton candy cart on the street and told the driver, “Master, stop by the side of the road ahead.”

The driver quickly stopped by the side of the road and Li Zhao whispered to Yan Ting, “Wait for me in the car.” 

Li Zhao opened the door, got out of the car and moved. Yan Ting’s eyes moved with Li Zhao’s back as he watched Li Zhao run past passersby, the figure gradually becoming blurred. Soon after, he saw Li Zhao holding two large things in his hand as he hurried back to the car.

The moment the door opened, a chill wrapped in a sweet fragrance floated into the car.

“Here you are.” Li Zhao divided the cotton candy with Yan Ting. “Try it?”

The cotton candy had no weight, like his childhood nihilism. Yan Ting had a memory since he was very young. He still remembered that in kindergarten, children sat together and said that the cotton candy they ate was as soft as a cloud. That day, he sat on the steps and stared at the sky for a long time, imagining what the white clouds would look like. 

If he hadn’t seen the cotton candy stall on the street, he might not have remembered his childhood experience.

Yan Ting unwrapped the bag around the cotton candy and licked it lightly. It wasn’t as soft as he thought when he was young and it didn’t bring the feeling of flying. There was even the taste of the artificial flavouring.

“The cotton candy is made of white sugar.” Li Zhao tore off a piece of cotton candy with a clean bamboo stick and fed it to Yan Ting’s mouth. “Mine is strawberry flavoured. Try it.”

The first time Li Zhao ate cotton candy was when he was 10 years old. The uncle and aunt who sent him to the welfare home were worried he would be afraid on the way and bought him cotton candy.

He didn’t know how to eat it and just bit down. The icing covered his face and even his collar was sticky with sugar. He had been scared to death that the uncle and aunt would hit him. The aunt didn’t hit him. Rather, she gently helped him wipe his face and taught him to sing and tell stories.

At that time, he didn’t understand. As he got out of the car, he asked in a low voice if he could call her mother. The aunt cried very sadly. She kept nodding as she finally hugged him. The embrace was very warm—sweet and warm. Later, he came to understand that the aunt’s tears were of sympathy, heartache and kindness.

“It’s sweet.” The cotton candy wasn’t sweet but Yan Ting’s heart was sweet. Even he hadn’t known how much attention he had paid to the cotton candy cart but Zhao Zhao had discovered it.

“Zhao Zhao…” 

“Eh?” LI Zhao looked up at Yan Ting, mouth stained with sugar.

“It’s nothing.” Yan Ting reached out and gently wiped the sugar stains on Li Zhao’s mouth. “Thank you.”

The little regret from his childhood was fulfilled here.

"It is just cotton candy. Why thank me?" Li Zhao laughed. "The person who should be thanking you is me."

"Then we won't say thank you." Yan Ting withdrew his gaze and hid all the light in his eyes.

'I don't need any thanks from you, as long you stay with me forever.'

Li Zhao subconsciously touched the corner of his mouth, a strange feeling that he couldn’t describe entering his heart.

Good brothers, good brothers, they were good brothers. A bit of intimacy between good brothers didn’t seem to be a problem? 

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