Zoro x Reader. Tangfastic

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Roronoa Zoro sat, in an almost trance like state, watching his girlfriend. He didn't know what it was about what she was doing, that left him so turned on. But it was making a fire stoke in the pit of his stomach.

_______ was sitting on their couch, watching TV. She was sat in her normal, relaxed position. Feet swung over the armrest, head on his shoulder.

In front of her was a bag of sour harrbo's tangfastics. And, to Zoro, she was sucking on a sour dummy quite tantalizingly. Afterwards, she held the sweet in between her teeth, and drew it into her mouth with her tongue. Then, the process began again.

A little while past, Zoro unaware his girlfriend had caught him staring.

"Zoroooo. Hey~ Marimoooo~"

She cooed teasingly, twisting so she was smiling at him on her hands and knees.

"E-eh? What is it?"

He choked, clearing his throat and looking away, a dark crimson invading his cheeks. She giggled lightly in response, sitting on her knees and turning to grab her sweets. She placed a cherry in between her teeth and began sucking.

"You're weird.I said, d'ya want one?"

The girl smiled, holding out the packet. Zoro looked down at her hand offering him the sweets, before looking back at her face. He smirked slightly and nodded, leaning in daringly.

"Don't mind if I do."

Suddenly, he crushed his lips to hers, forcing the sweet into her mouth. She made a sort of weird, muffled, strangled noise at his sudden action. But couldn't suppress the fact she liked this. Soon enough, her eyes slid shut and her hands tangled in his vibrant green hair.

When suddenly, Zoro made a.... not very Zoro move. Despite his cold exterior towards most others, that was not the case for _______. In fact, his kisses were usually gentle and sweet. And he had once told her it was because, with being such a physically big, strong guy... He didn't want to hurt her.

So when he nipped at her bottom lip and slyly slid his tongue into her mouth, she was quite surprised. A slight moan left her. She loved Zoro, a lot. But it was quite annoying when all he wanted was to be gentle, and all she wanted was for him to be rough.

When air became something more crucial, his tongue sucked the lingering cherry from it's place and broke away. No words were said as he chewed and she panted. But when she caught her breath and he had swallowed, he smirked again.


Her eyes widned as he turned to face the TV, leaving her flustered and really turned on. With a huff, she mumbled an incoherent, 'bastard', and turned to the TV as well.

~mini bonus~

Her eyes flicked back and forth between the TV, Zoro, and the remaining sweets.

Reaching over, she took another dummy and placed it between her teeth. And with a deep breath through her nose, she turned to her beloved moss head.


He looked down at her, eyebrow raised.


A deep blush spread across her face as she looked away. Embarrassment filling her system at thoughts of what she was about to do...

"Want another?"

Zoro grinned victoriously. And leaned down to get another sweet.

Sorry for the late update, was a tad busy. Hope you enjoyed, thanks for reading :)

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