Chapter 21

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Remi POV

The door to the classroom clicked open and John and Blyke walked in. Me and Isen turned our heads to try and figure out how that conversation went.

To both of our surprise John and Blyke were smiling.

"Blyke, John than you for joining us" the teacher said annoyed about them being late

"You're welcome" Blyke said forcing John to hold back a laugh

The teacher sent a glare at Blyke

"Take a seat" the teacher barked

Blyke and John sat down at their desks and the rest of the class was uneventful. After class I walked up to John who was talking to Blyke and Isen

"Hey guys" I said

"Hello" John said

"Yo" Isen said

Blyke didn't say anything

"Whatcha doing" I asked

"Just talking" Isen said

"Cool" I said

No one said anything until John broke the silence

"Blyke, come on we have a class to get to" John said

"Yeah" Blyke said finally speaking

"Bye guys" I said

"Bye" John said

Blyke waved silently

Me and Isen made our way to our next classes

"Blyke was weirdly quiet" I said

"No shit" Isen said

I looked up at him

"Really Remi, what do you expect, he attacked your boyfriend in a blind rage, that was caused by jealousy, what is he supposed to say" Isen said

"Point" I sighed

"If you want to talk to him, you need to start the conversation" Isen said

"I guess" I said

I waved goodbye to Isen as I entered the classroom I needed to go to


John POV

"So what's been happening since I left?" Blyke asked

"Well, New Bostin High School came and visited" I said

"Yeah I know, I want the juicy gossip" Blyke said

I smirked

"Okay then Blyke" I said

"By the way, where was Seraphina? Shouldn't she have been in first and Second period?" Blyke asked

"She got suspended" I said

Blyke's mouth fell open

"SHE GOT SUSPENDED!?!?!" Blyke yelled

"Yep" I said

"Why" he asked

"You know the book Unordinary?" I asked

"Yeah" Blyke said

"Elaine reported her for reading it" I said

"Sounds like Elaine, especially if Arlo told her to do it" Blyke said

"Yeah" I said

"I swear she would do ANYTHING for Arlo" Blyke said

"That's right, I should talk to Arlo about why he told Elaine to report Sera" I thought

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