Chapter 6

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Matthias POV

Nex stepped closer to the two men and then bent down to grab the knife that was placed near them. Nex had placed it there on purpose because both men couldn't reach it due to their hands being cuffed to the bar. This was a new added torture.

Nex stood up, large knife in hand. He slowly walked closer to the men, looking intimidating as he stared down at the bloody knife. When he was in front of the man who stated he could take the pain, Nex kneeled down right before him.

The man glared through his swollen eye at Nex, and then spat a whole mouthful of saliva into Nex's face. I took a step forward, fuming at what the fucker did. Nex raised his free hand which told me to stop and then he used that hand to slowly wipe the spit that was on his face. Once he got it all off, he transferred the knife to his left hand and used his right hand to punch the man in the face.

The man let out a groan of pain as he tried to hide his face from any further blows. Nex lowered his hand and returned the knife to his dominant hand, and smiled down at the grimacing man. I too had a smile on my face as I watched Nex raise the knife slightly.

James on the other hand, he had the same blank expression that he forces on every time something 'bad' happens. Although this time, you could definitely tell it was forced, and to be honest I don't blame him. These people had been on Nex's side and now Nex didn't need them anymore, so he's disposing of them the way he wants. James had been promised that once everything was complete and Nex no longer needed him, he was allowed to go back to his family. But after what I'm seeing right now, James most definitely won't ever get out of here alive, and James knows that too now.

I heard a small scream of pain and then turned my attention back onto what was happening ahead of me.

Nex had embedded the knife somewhere in the man's side. It was placed with so much thought that there wasn't much blood coming out of the wound. I don't actually know what Nex did before becoming a murderer, but if I had to guess then probably a doctor or something. He cauterized the girl's wound with just a knife and a lighter, and then stitched it up easily. When killing the other teenagers and child, Nex knew exactly where to place the knife to kill them. And now here he was, placing a knife into the man's side without cutting any arteries.

Nex stood up straight and smiled down at the man. "I will be adding another knife to your body every hour until you die." He then turned to the other man. "I'd advise you to stay where you are and not touch any of Jim's knives. Matthias will be down here and if he sees you move he'll kill you himself. I'll let you stay alive and watch. How well you behave will determine how fast or slow I kill you."

Nex turned away from them and walked towards the stairs. I went to go follow but then got stopped by Nex.

"Stay here and watch them."


"I said stay here. It wasn't a question."

I gritted my teeth and watched Nex walk over to the stairs.

"I'll be bringing a few knives down here in an hour. You and James can take turns watching them. Just change every hour."

Nex walked up the stairs, with James following quietly behind him. I heard the door close, leaving me with the stench of rotting flesh and bodily fluids. 

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