incorrect quotes Part 42

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Roland: you know that quote, you are what you eat?

Elaine: I'd be an orange!

Remi: ooh! I would be a cookie

Roland: same

John: I'd be a human


Blyke: for the last time! I'm not dumb!

Isen: okay, spell orange.

Blyke the color or the fruit?

Isen X-X


Seraphina: I heard a strange rumor 

Remi: tip over the beverage of infusion female sibling figure

Serapina: ...

John: is that fancy for saying spill the tea sis?


John: I hate change.....

John: I used to not

John: but I've changed


Roland: wait! Isen, why are you trying to get me to say alpha Kenny body?


John: don't you hate it when people answer their own questions?

Seraphina: well I-

John: I do


Isen: ughhhhh I want school to end....... hey john? Can you do a very intense Joker attack then mayb-

John: No


Blyke: ugh... I got an I for incomplete in math

Isen: I think I got and  for everything, math, science, social studies... and my life

Blyke: well, I certainly HOPE your life is incomplete


Teacher: please give me your undivided attention

Isen: undivided..? This isn't math...


a/n: pick your battles wise-

John: I pick them all


Arlo: almost everyone here is mid or low tier

John: except for the people who aren't

Arlo: great analysis


Remi: hey Blyke! Wha cha doin' for halloween?

Blyke: Isen broke my pen, so I'm making a ghost


Elaine: I'm selling orange juice!

Isen: is it free?

Elaine: yeah, there's just a mandatory 25 cents payment


Isen: I want someone to take me out

Blyke: on a date or with a shotgun? 

Isen: I dunno surprise me 

John: come on

Isen: why?

John: I'm taking out the trash?


Bonus ( incorrect quotes with my friends )

Me ( with friend 1 ): so... finished your math?

Friend 1: yea... it was really easy

Me: yeah

Me ( with friend 2 ): hey have you finished your adding of one number on the top of a line and one on the bottom called fractions?

Friend 2: da fuq?

Friend 2: omg! Are you a smart person?

Me: ew no, you are!

Friend 3: are you two disagreeing? I thought you said you guys never disagree

Me: well, we both disagree meaning we have something in common. Which means that we agree that we both disagree with each other

Friend 2: exactly!

Friend 3: * looses brain cells *

Angel: any suggestions of my friends nicknames?

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