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As Yedam walked to his first class he quietly smiled to himself. He thought back on his conversation with Doyoung a little earlier today and how the color yellow really did suit the younger's cheerful personality.

The university's pride was in a very excellent mood himself because he had spent some time with the red haired boy today. He felt charged with good vibes and was ready to own this day.

The classes went by almost unnoticed by the second year student. His mind was full of Kim Doyoung as he imagined everything the younger would do or say if he had been there with him, resulting in him being unable to concentrate on his surroundings in general all day.

So much for "owning this day"...

"Why do you look so distracted?" Yedam looked around and saw Yoon Jaehyuk coming from behind him.

"Just thinking." The music and literature student was counting the hours until he saw Doyoung on the train and got home together again. There were still so many things about the first year student he was curious about.

"Have you been doing this
~t h i n k i n g~ all day? The teacher just now was chasing you to give you back your notebook.
By the looks of it, the woman ran for 3 minutes straight before I came!" Jaehyuk chuckled as he patted the younger's right shoulder and gave him a blue notebook.

"Ok, I MIGHT be a little distracted." Yedam answered overdramatically, putting the notebook in his bag.

"What's on your mind? Are you worried about the upcoming literature competition? You mentioned wanting to enroll in it."

"No, not that. I'm all set for it.
There's someone I-" before Yedam could continue, Jaehyuk had already uttered:
"There's someone you like?!"

"Wha-a-?! How did you-? Ehhh?!!!" the other stuttered, face holding an expression of a huge surprise.

"You aren't that sly Bang Yedam!" he joked.
"On a more serious note, you've never acted like this before and I've never seen you be interested in other people at all so i just guessed." Jaehyuk shrugged.

Yedam didn't know what answer he was expecting, but in his heart, he was secretly hoping for a little 'I know you well, that's why!' Even though what the other said was almost equivalent to what he had hoped to hear, it still didn't quite feel the same.

Of course, it'd be a lie if Yoon Jaehyuk actually did say those exact words to him, because in reality, they weren't that close.

The older student was hanging out more with that graphic design major, Masahi was it? And with other people from the dance department.

Maybe that's why Yedam was so happy to have met Doyoung. For the first time in his life, he felt connected and appreciated and actually had something to look forward to.
How could one feel such way towards...basically a stranger?

"So, who is it?" Jaehyuk asked after his friend didn't say anything for awhile.

"Just someone from the neighborhood." he answered and looked down shyly. Though Doyoung technically wasn't from the town, he was going to be there often, so the music and literature major had already considered him part of the neighborhood.

" she pretty?!" the dance major nudged Yedam's shoulder, raising his eyebrows at him in a teasing manner.

"He sure as hell is..."

"You should invite her to that winter festival your town holds! The atmosphere will definitely help you two get closer! Plus, the others and I will also be going this year!" he suggested eagerly.

"I'm interested to meet the person who managed to make THE Bang Yedam so absent-minded." Jaehyuk added, oblivious of how Yedam's complexion had turned paler from his words.

"The festival is in two weeks so you better not lose any more time!" Yoon Jaehyuk reminded before running towards what appeared to be a train, getting on it just in time.

Yedam was hella confused now.
They were at the train station already? Since whEn?!! Had they really walked all the way from university to here without him realising it?!

Damn, I really should get my head straight...

Nevertheless, I think Jaehyuk hyung is right.
Next time I see Doyoung,
I'll invite him to the festival!



I know it's pretty boring right now but I promise the story will pick up soon!

I'm a sucker for some slow burn, characters being curious about eachother and slowly developing feelings.

I don't want to rush their relationship and want to give them time to process and accept those feelings so I hope you can be patient with me X)

~Vending machine dreams~| Dodam💫Where stories live. Discover now