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"Plums?" I asked surprised, watching her face covered in dust and certain stains of blood. She was looking exhausted, her hazel eyes lacking all that Gryffindor fierce that she carried and the expression on her face showing the pain she was trying to swallow. I snorted, kinda annoyed. "I don't have time for you right now."

I was about to go away when she trapped my wrist, making me turn around to face her again.

"Don't go, Lilith, please," she said, swallowing hard. It was the first time since we met that she called me by my name, so I stopped, scowling and paying attention to her.

"What do you want?" I spat, confused.

"I- dear Godric, I don't even know how to start," Plums stuttered, taking a deep breath. "I want to apologise to you."

"Come again?" I replied, absolutely astonished.

Is this a fucking joke?

"I want to say sorry to you for everything I have both said and done to you," she finally managed to say. "I understand if you don't forgive me, nothing excuses my behaviour, but - if I don't survive this night, I just simply know I can't go without apologising to you."

I took a deep breath;

"I just want to know why. Why were you so persistent in branding me as a Death Eater when you knew I wasn't one? I thought it was just simple internalized misogyny or maybe the fact that you are a Gryffindor who suffered because of the Death Eaters- but I know there's more, am I right?"

Sienna sighed, nodding;

"I loved him," she whispered, trembly voice, and the grip in my wrist hesitant, "and incredibly selfishly, I knew you weren't a Death Eater, but I wanted you to be one so he would stop loving you. In my twisted mind, I ended up lying to myself and even convincing myself that you were on your mother's side just because I was scared of him putting his eyes on you."

It's still not fair for me.

"I was a fucking idiot," Sienna chuckled nervously, "I thought I could stop his feelings for you, but I couldn't. Fred's deeply and immensely in love with you, Lilith. He's been in love with you for too long now and I have known it even before him. That's why I always hated you so furiously. Because I envied you."

Envy me? The only good thing that happened in my life is my friends and Fred. How could a rich, half-blood from a good family, Gryffindor girl possibly envy me?

"I was a bitch," she continued, "I judged without listening to you, I made your life impossible every time I could and you can't even imagine how embarrassed I feel of myself. I can't do pretty much about it but just ask for your forgiveness, even though I'd totally understand if you can't give it to me."

Sienna Plums, the woman who spent her entire time at Hogwarts fucking up my life, was asking me to forgive her.

She had been a total pain in the arse for me, that was undeniable. And it didn't matter how much she could apologise, I would always hold grudges against her but...due to the situation in which we were and the immense possibility of not getting alive out of it, I considered saying the next words, still quite hesitant;

"I forgive you, Sienna," I finally sighed, watching her face relax.

I was still expecting her to pull one of her tricks at any moment. I was still doubting. I was still grabbing my wand so tightly I could feel it pressing hard against my hand.

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