Love at First Letter - 21

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Something happened yesterday and I just got really sick, really quickly. I'm not feeling well at all but I wanted to update this for you.

I was going to have this up like two days ago but things happened, my friends came over, and I just didn't have the time. And it seems that everytime I actually sit down to write this I always stumble upon YouTube and spend like hours watching video after video. Does that ever happen to you?

Okay, enough rambling, enjoy the chapter!

Love at First Letter

Chapter Twenty-one

It was my first interview in Georiga and I didn't really know what to expect regarding the soldier boy rumors. There were people on twitter trying to figure out who this rumored soldier boy was. I knew that Brett didn't want for me to say yet and I would respect that and I wouldn't give anything away. At least I was going to try.

I was surrounded by southern accents and I wouldn't be surprised if I walked away with a thicker accent. I was rushed around to hair and makeup and had a microphone hooked up. Sarah was talking to somebody on the phone but whenever I got close to her she would talk quieter and ushered me away. I just narrowed my eyes and complied.

When I was called to the stage Sarah gave me a big thumbs up, still on the phone, and put a big smile on my face. I greeted the host whose name is Tiffany and took a seat in front of her.

"Let's talk about your new book first and your inspiration." I refused the urge to roll my eyes. I knew that using that dedication would entail a lot of questions but Brett didn't want to be know right now. And I didn't know how long I could hold them off for. "He's a soldier boy and we know you came from a military background but how did you meet this boy?"

"I actually met him through my uncle, who was his sergeant."

"And is this boy the soldier in your story?"

"I wouldn't say it's him exactly, there are aspects of him that I put into the character and although the character is based off him it's not actually him." I tried to explain to her, "Does that make any sense?" I chuckled.

"Makes perfect sense. Can we have any clue as to who this soldier boy is? Your fans on twitter have been asking if you would give us just a little hint."

"You've probably seen us together in the last week. He was there for part one of our tour in Charleston."

"I can see that, that is all we are going to get out of you on that. So we know you've been spending a lot of time together with Logan Parker and we know that there is this upcoming book but is there any chance that there is anything besides feelings of friendship between the two of you?"

"Yeah, that's not going to happen. He's like an annoying older brother, someone you can't help but love but it's only a sibling love. I don't think anything will come from it."

"Because you have eyes for your soldier boy?"

I laughed, along with the crowd. "Back to him now are we?"

The rest of the interview went fine. We took questions from twitter and from the audience and everyone went home with a copy of my newest book with a promise that I would come back with Logan when we had news about our upcoming novel.

When I exited the stage, I was unhooked from my microphone and I picked up a water bottle from one of the tables. Sarah walked up to me, telling me to follow her and that we needed to be on our way out. I didn't know where we were going and Sarah looked to be in her own world so I didn't bother asking her. I just followed her through the building and out towards her car.

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