38. The Cusp Of Insanity (IV)

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Lee Hyunjin, Minhee, Minjae and Minho were on Zeiha's back as he charged forwards at a frightening speed. They couldn't even see the trees clearly when they shot passed.

Einari had told them that with Zeiha they'd probably reach the nearest village in two days or less and that they wouldn't face much danger.

Zeiha wasn't a legendary beast, he was a rank below and that was a 'Spirit beast'. He didn't have a first or second form and he couldn't use telepathy, he also only had a single attribute which was Ice.

Still compared to the many night creatures and wild beasts roaming Ifvnar, he was strong and his speed was incredible.

Whilst riding on his back, Lee Hyunjin thought about the things Einari had told him, about him being a 'scion of the chaos wielders' and about his ability.

—The term chaos wielders otherwise called Scions has long since been forgotten, after all they are more rare than even a legendary beasts.

—Please do not tell anyone that you are one of them, that may only cause great problems for you in the future

Lee Hyunjin already understood this very well considering how he was treated because of his eyes, it wouldn't be anything new to him.... though it might be on another level if it did happen.

Einari told him, avoid using or absorbing corrupted spirit in front of others and another thing.... if you have too much of it contained inside you, other people will be naturally repulsed by it and draw away from you then they'll figure it out and... there's a high chance it'll drive you mad.

—Also... in regards to animals, including night creatures and lesser beasts like the demon dogs that attacked you, it's because you are a scion, creatures like those are attracted to the corrupted spirit inside you and that is why, but spirit beasts and legendary beasts react differently. The reason is unknown but some beasts of higher stature tend to look upon your kind with fondness.

Now then, about your ability, in fact if it was not for this I would not have found you. When I was traversing through ifvnar, I suddenly felt an ominous presence, it was like that of two extremely powerful creatures but it was strange in that that presence seemed to belong to one being, so I followed it.

This is only my assumption since I did not truly see it for myself but what you did was assimilate corrupted spirit to the other types of spirit you'd absorbed prior.... likely of two powerful beasts

Einari was right, according to Qin Yu, when legendary beasts mark the prey, they inject their own spirit into them, so that was how Lee Hyunjin was able to use corrupted spirit to imitate Rui's aura and as for Min, she'd shared her spirit with him before.

I don't know how exactly you came to mimic those two but it's seems your ability is able to create an outer shell, an imitation of the aura of those who's spirits you've absorbed.

Lee Hyunjin thought about it, at that time he was aware of the fact that he was too weak to kill the demon dogs, what he needed was a way to distract them or scare them away....

If only he could scare them away. Lee Hyunjin thought of the most scary things he'd ever seen, the first was Min when she was angry and the second was of course the Python Rui. As soon as he thought of those two, he felt something course through him like a sort of energy.

Einari told him that those 'doors' he felt open up inside him were probably what the people of Arshnix called 'spirit veins'.

Though on Arshnix there was no such thing as a 'spirit core' there existed something else known as the internal spirit structure which consisted of the major focus points where spirit was highly concentrated. The smaller tendril-like structures that connected these focus points to each other were known as Spirit veins and these veins were what remained closed within ones body. The opening of these veins to allow spirit to flow through and circulate within the body was what was called 'Awakening' or 'activating the dormant spirit'.

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