Idk what to call this

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First thing you need to know about my piggy au is that in my piggy au all of the boys in the stories are the most innocent, sweet, and purest cinnamon rolls you have ever met, while the girls deserve pain and suffering.

Second thing you should know is that a LOT and I mean LOT of crazy things happen.

Another thing.

the race of aliens that all of the animal cast are called, they are like humans but they are also animals so I call them anthropomorphians
While parrasee is known as a Zeno.

Another thing.

The piggy gang live in a condo complex because the world pretty much Owes the gang more specifically Pony and Willow everything for getting that cure and saving everyone and because everyone like Tigry Mimi Pauline Doggy etc are all like friends with Pony and Willow, they all get all funds for free. So things like getting groceries/going to restaurants to eat, paying rent, going on vacations, etc the piggy gang doesn't have to pay for.

So yeah everyone lives in a condo complex, everyone except Richard who lives in his own tree mansion that he built from the ground up with his bare hands despite only being 14 years old. After school George, Edmond, William, And Didier Go over to Richard's house and chill there for most of the day. Those five treat Richard's tree mansion like a second home. Probably because that is a second home to them.

Richard's tree mansion was built by the five boys as a shelter from the infection. Most of it was built by Richard but then from time to time someone would stumble upon Richard's home. So before George was found by player and Zizzy at the mall. he was actually living with Richard, Didier, William, and Edmond. But then a giant army of infected found Richard's home. Richard had been having this feeling that his Friends would have a bigger role to play in stopping this infection then himself so he made it a must that his friends are protected by any means necessary.

When the infected got to Richard's house, Richard ordered his friends to get out of the house and run as he was getting his sword, known as The Sword Of The, his Bow and Arrow, and his favorite Weapon of all, the Ultra Staff, a green bow-staff that could change in size and shape at the wielder's will, so that he could fight them off, buying time for his friends to escape.

The other four boys were very reluctant and disobedient to Richard's orders, claiming that they weren't going to just leave him alone like that and saying they would help him fight. Richard told the four boys about his feeling of them having bigger roles to play in stopping this infection And insisted that he would be okay. Which made the four boys feel a little better but only a little. In the end the four boys reluctantly ran away together but before that, Richard had one more wish, as they thought their best friend was about to loose his life sacrificing himself for them. They agreed to fulfill Richard's last wish.

Richard's last wish was for them not to tell a single soul about his location or even the fact that they found him as Richard did not want anyone to worry about him and comeback there, Richard said that his existence is irrelevant and that people shouldn't have to care about him.

After the fight of his life Richard arose victorious without a scratch on him. all of the people he had to kill left a ginormous scar on his conscious, he gave all of the dead infected people a proper burial (there were 1500 infected people). From that point on Richard began having these terrible thoughts that one day the people he killed will come back and try to kill him, and Richard would have to take their lives a second time.

Leaving Richard with another reason to never sleep besides that order he got from his father.
So the five boys are the only people that know about their infection home.

Something else.

Richard, George, Edmond, Didier, and William are at a point academically to where they're at a 12th Grade level, even tho they are only freshmen, and they have finished all of the work that they have for the rest of their school lives in half a month and they are passing their classes with an S Rank (the highest rank just so you know). The principal of their school is aware of that and so she gave them permission to just do their own thing while at school or leave school when ever they want. But sadly Zee and Zuzy don't get to experience the same luxury because they are on the brink of failing.

The boys don't know that they are failing tho.

Yet another thing

Nobody is aware of this (yet) but, George, Edmond, William, Richard, and Didier are the reincarnations of A man named The-ro Braveskull. The-ro was a mortal man that was said to have surpassed most gods with his intelligence, physical power, and Magic. He was said to have "strength beyond Strength". The ancient ancestors of the five boys and their families had performed a ritual, that every 20 million generations five babies will be born on the same day, time, and spot, and each of the five babies would possess all of The-ro's powers/abilities. The-ro also owned a sword that was just as mystical as himself, and because of that the sword was drawn to him. It went by two names, The Sword Of The and The Sword Of Braveskull.

Whenever The-ro held aloft his sword and chanted SWORD OF BRAVESKULL, GIVE ME POWER BEYOND POWER!!! Would multiply his already unimaginable power by an non-finite degree, Turning himself into a superhero (more like a god himself essentially) named, THE-MAN.

And because the-ro and the-man are the same person, in theory that means George, William, Richard, Edmond, and Didier have all of the-man's powers/abilities too basically insuring that every new reincarnation of the-ro would be stronger than the last by an infinite amount.

The sword was already prepared on earth for these five babies to find, and they did just not under the same circumstances as intended.

The sword of braveskull, had the ability to replicate itself depending on how many The-ros it detected.

The five different races had already came up with a name for if the five babies found each other. They would be called the Xeno Sages.

That is the reason why George, Richard, Edmond, William, and Didier, we're born with Legendary Ki, because they are the reincarnations of an actual legend. There is also a special red rock that exists on their version of earth, that'll be important later. There is another green rock that will also be important later.

Something else again.

People in my book world can make wishes on stars but everyone has a limited number of wishes they can make throughout their lives. But at the same time not only is there a wish count for everyone. But not everyone can make a wish. Some don't know how, others just can't do it. People make wishes on stars through the power of chaos. Not chaos magic, but Chaos energy, which is something way crazier then magic. It is basically glorified magic, but it's not. Chaos is just an energy that exists outside of existence and is a form of primordial and omnipotent energy. Stars themselves are more so like giant orbs of order energy, that's not really what it's called, but that's basically what stars are. It can work backwards too. People can make and grant their own wishes via the power of chaos or give themselves the power of stars to grant wishes. A person can make a wish to heighten their natural chaos energy. In order to do that there is a very specific prayer you gotta say. That prayer is "In brightest day, to darkest night. The chaos will make my might, let those who worship thoughts light, be the stars they dream of, that's is their right."

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