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Song recommendation: Neptune by Sleeping at Last

{You can switch to Sex On Fire by Kings Of Leon when you think it's necessary ;) }
Again, if you know me in real life NO YOU DON'T.

!! This chapter has smut!!
(It's good smut so I recommend reading it, but if you don't want to, it won't affect the next parts of the story.)

"Hey guys I'm taking Bella home." Styles announced to the party as I clung to his arm.

"Why? She's fine." Daniella protested with a full drink in her hand.

"Look at her." Styles looked at me.

"I'm fine Lexi." I slurred, hanging off of him.

I was getting quite creative with the nicknames for Alex.

"No you're not." He shook his head. "I'll be back in like twenty minutes." He sighed.

He dragged me out of the pub, my ankles wiggling as I walked from the high heels. People were staring at me. I looked like a train wreck, my hair was a mess, my lipstick was smudged, and I couldn't walk in a straight line.

Thankfully we made it outside the pub where it was raining, all the way to the parking lot without me slipping and scraping my knees.

Styles had me in the middle of the dark parking lot, he did a quick look around him.

"Clear?" He called out over the rain.

"Clear." Niall replied, stepping out from behind his car.

I straightened up, ran a hand through my now wet hair, and brushed off my dress. I only had one drink that night. I was stone cold sober. The only thing that I had in my bloodstream was cranberry juice and a bit of vodka.

"Good acting kid." Styles gave me a smooth high five.

"Thanks bud." I replied with a smile.

"Niall, have her back here by morning." He pointed a finger at Niall.

"Morning? How are you two pulling that off? I thought we only had a few hours." He squinted.

"We're gonna say that she was too drunk to bring home, so I checked her in at a hotel." He explained.

"Smart." He nodded.

"Be safe, pay attention, and don't hurt each other too much. We need Philly walking tomorrow." He snickered.

"Oh fuck off." I rolled my eyes.

"Only the truth." Styles walked over to his car. "Nice to see you Nialler."

"You too Haz." He smiled. "Be safe."

"Trying my best." He nodded before slipping away into his vehicle.

We watched the headlights fade into the streets, leaving us in complete silence other than the rain pounding down on us. I looked over to Niall, he looked over to me, and there we stood. After weeks of waiting for each other, here we were.

"Detective Horan." I spoke.

"Detective Carter." He said back.

The tension between us could be cut with a knife.

"You're here." He breathed.

"In the flesh." I gestured to myself.

"And you're alive."

"Hardly." I scoffed.

"You're here, and you're alive." He shook his head in disbelief. "This is long overdue Philly girl." He held out his hands to me.

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