9. Coffee and waffles

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I walked into the office, scared of what I might find.

I quickly greeted Amy and rushed upstairs to my floor.

When the elevator opened, I was hit with the smell of fresh bread. It threw me off guard.

Who the hell is baking bread in a law firm?

I saw people with plates in a line to where we keep snacks and coffee. Did Mae cater breakfast?

When I turned the corner, the surprise was ruined. I saw Theo at my desk with a bagel in front of him.

He was reading a book and wasn't paying attention to me. When I walked up to my desk, I set my stuff down, and I saw him shift his head to watch me.

"I saved you a bagel," He said.

I looked at the bagel.

I wanted it, but I didn't want to take it from him. There was a high chance that he poisoned it.

"I don't eat breakfast," I said, which was true. My stomach always hurts if I eat too early.

He gave me a look that said I-don't-belive-you. I ignored it.

"I also got you coffee," He grinned.

He handed me an iced coffee. I warily took a sip- it was my order from high school. 

It's still my order.

I made a fake grimace. "I don't order this anymore," I lied.

His grin slightly faltered, "Throw it away then. I'll get you another one."

I shook my head, "Unlike you, I don't let my coffee go to waste."

He suppressed his smile and stood up from my chair, "Your chair is really uncomfortable," He said.

"Then don't sit in it."

"You should get a new one," He spoke.

I ignored him, "Is the line your doing?" I asked, pointing to the people.

He nodded, "I bought breakfast for everyone."

"Why?" I scrunched up my nose. He doesn't even know anyone that well.

"Because I'm a kind-hearted man."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night," I murmured.

His smile widened. "What do you eat for breakfast?" He asked.

I took the first breakfast food that came to mind, "Waffles."

"Waffles?" He made a face.

"Waffles." I nodded.

I started with work. I don't always have papers to analyze- I usually look through cases with an actual lawyer and talk about the case with them, but the papers are part of my grade.

He dragged a chair from an empty desk and set it in front of my desk. 

"What do you do here?" He asked.


He nodded, a smile toying on his lips. He was messing with the trinkets on my desk. He picked up a bracelet made out of embroidery floss and started playing with it.

"Do you want it?" I asked, taking him by surprise.

"No-?" He said.

I laughed, "You can have it. Roma gives me too many."

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