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"A law of 'Jumanji' has been broken You will step back even more than your token"

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"A law of 'Jumanji' has been broken You will step back even more than your token"

The below-mentioned rules are common for judges, graphic designers, and writers, and if any one of the three is to have separate rules it would be mentioned

"Politeness is gold"
➥ Be respectful and polite to everyone in the award show. 

"Spread the word, Jumanji!"
 ➥ Give this book a shout-out and make sure you follow LeonaMags and the community account

"This will not be an easy task mission-monkeys slow the expedition"
➥ If your form is messy, we won't be accepting it. 

"What year is it!?"
➥ Make sure you add the book to your private and public reading list so you are updated with what happens around here. Also vote and comment so we know you are active.

"Well a little rain never hurt anybody."
➥ Make sure you accept your results and be fair while participating in the competition.

"So you cheated didn't you?"
➥ No one is to indulge in malpractice such as plagiarizing or bribing the judges.
If we catch any writers or designers doing so we will have to disqualify you. Any judges seen being biased too will be disqualified.

"Hold on to your coins"
➥ Graphic designers can use their own watermarks for their covers so no one else can use it.

"In the jungle you must wait... until the dice read five or eight."
➥ Everyone must be patient while we accept the forms and it is also expected that judges and designers submit their tasks before the deadline.

"We must pass two levels."
➥ The judging will have 2 levels for the writers and for the graphic designer, after which the results will be announced.

"You need an 8 or 5 to play"
➥ Writers need to make sure their book has a minimum of 10 chapters (excluding prologue and introduction)

"Run its a stampede!"
➥ Writers with books exceeding 15k views will not be permitted to enter.

"Any last words"
➥ Writers with books glorifying self-harm, r**e and other sensitive topics will be disqualified.

➥We are only accepting k-pop books and designers for this award.

NOTE➥We are only accepting k-pop books and designers for this award

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