Chapter 10

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Now, let's start the experiments with the ghost in the room, shall we? I stood up and positioned my chair to face the ghost before I sat back down. I brought the menu up and selected the ghost. Now the question is, do I directly promote it to a boss, or do I inject it with essence and see what happens? After thinking it over briefly, I decided that I was feeling a bit like a mad scientist right now. Besides, this way, the boss could be a bit stronger than the rest of the mobs. I selected the add essence option, and a slider appeared.

With this, I could theoretically add in however much I wanted, though I really don't want to strain my budget like that. It was a nonrenewable resource at the moment. Granted, I had a lot to spare, but I didn't want to risk it. I slid the button up till the counter read one hundred. I confirmed the choice. The ghost lit up for a moment and became more defined and solid before growing dim again. I slid it to a hundred once more, and the ghost started to react visibly. The ethereal tail that extended it behind it began to condense down and become more tangible and form the faint outline of a pair of legs.

I dumped another hundred points into it, internally balking at the fact that I just spent three hundred essence points on a basic mob. The ghost absorbed it like a sponge, and the tail finished forming into a set of ethereal legs. I felt like I was really close to something tremendous, yet a part of me felt that if I put too much into it, the ghost wouldn't be able to handle it. I decided to cut down the essence I was giving the ghost in half, and I confirmed it. I really hope that nothing would happen. The ghost grew solid, and its feet touched the floor, yet no noise was heard from it, and a notification blinked on my menu.

You have unlocked a T2 mob:

Spirit: A possible evolution of a ghost. A spirit can better interact with the world of the living and can potentially use physical weapons instead of just siphoning life away from its target. The spirit also has more control over the surrounding environment than a basic ghost does.

That wasn't a bad upgrade. However, it cost me a total of three hundred and fifty essence to hit the evolution point. It was widely inefficient but, it was better than nothing. I guess with that out of the way; I should make this guy a boss; since, at the moment, it was just a test dummy. On top of it becoming a boss, I would need a bodyguard or at least someone to keep close so that Kharon can do other tasks for the time being. I selected it and confirmed the upgrade to the boss option, and a warning appeared in my vision.

You are attempting to upgrade this mob to a boss. Doing so will change it from its evolutionary route. Evolutionary upgrades from this point on from this mob will be twice as costly.

Current promotion cost: five hundred

The screen blinked as it awaited my answer. Of course, this was too easy the first time. The price essentially doubled, and that's not counting the base cost. Plus, it would cost me five hundred essence points as well to drag it to boss status. With a sigh, I confirmed the choice. I couldn't spend anything more at the moment on you. The spirit lit up in a brilliant display, and another notification appeared on my screen.

Would you like to name your boss?

I stared at it for a moment as I tried to settle on a good name. I very much wanted this one to be a female. I looked at the spirit for a while as I thought it over. This boss would play a significant role in the future, so maybe I would name her around that. The question is, what exactly? If I wanted her to be a bodyguard and someone close to me.

I strummed my fingers along my legs and thought about it. I think I want to create a specialized group, one whose job was to protect the empire at all cost, and above all else, the Empress. So with that being said, I shall appoint this one a high rank.

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