Chapter 32: The Echo

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Geezzzz, this chapter was... It was something, lmao. I don't know why I've been having trouble writing lately. Like the words just haven't been happening for me, so I apologize if the writing and descriptions aren't as good as they normally are. 

I'm also going to California in a couple days, so next week there won't be a chapter and maybe the weeks after that *winces* but we'll see. I think my brain needs a break from writing lol. But the next time I post, Dagen meets Nevaeha! I'm so excited I've already written most of it and it's a lot of "oh, shit" and "who the fuck is this dude?"

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy the chapter : )


With nothing to do while Topher and Dagen slept, Norah filled the time in taverns, sometimes leaving with another at her side. Now, she strolled in a city with more canals than roads. Boats bobbed along the dark water, city lights shimmering like liquid fire on its surface.

The night was quiet, the cool breeze combing through her hair with gentle fingers. She enjoyed the quiet, sometimes stopping when the streets and canals were empty to try and talk to a flower in full bloom. She only got feelings, strange urges instead of pictures like she got with Squirm. Most of the flowers rejected her, their energy turning sour on her tongue.

Norah took in the city with its polished stone and giant houses. It reminded her of her home in Belonia where each house had perfectly maintained yards and too many rooms rarely used. It reminded her of house parties and dinners that felt as proper as eating with the queen. She thought about the old Norah. A girl too eager to please. Who only thought about fighting--about doing good in the world. Who didn't see that a council room was as much a fight as any battle.

Then Norah wondered what her darkness would do to this city. She wondered how the buildings would crumble in a sea of darkness, their demise silent save for the howls of her storm. The streets would be destroyed. Her storm wiping everything away.

Trips to the front were meant to test the limit of her power. But Norah had yet to reach that limit. Or rather, had yet to find it.

Destruction came to Norah too easily.

Norah walked through the city, her heels clicking on the sidewalk--splashing in the puddles of the night's rain.

Black Reaver.

That's what the monsters we're calling her. A creature that robbed and seized and pillaged anything in its path.

Norah liked it.

She lifted her chin and scanned the sparkling streets until she reached the hotel room the others were staying in and found Dagen sprawled across the couch while Topher showered.

Dagen gave her a long, measuring look. Probably taking in the wrinkled clothes, the rat's nest that was her hair, and smeared liner. He was rather quiet, even Eoin sitting on the floor was missing his usual smiles and bright eyes.

Norah knew why Dagen was mad, and could guess why Eoin's mood shifted. The front wasn't meant for a child, even a ghost child.

Norah went to sit on the couch, stepping over Dagen's legs in the process. Still, he refused to acknowledge her.

It was petty, but Norah understood where he was coming from.

Norah waited for a commercial before she said, "Hey, Dagen."

Slowly, his attention slid to hers. His gaze flicked to her, side-long. Flat and dead. Like she'd seen in Raider City.

She hesitated, guilt curdling her stomach. She hoped the sincerity showed in her eyes as much as her voice. "I'm sorry."

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