Just a normal day

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Alabama chuckled slightly at Indiana, seeing the shorter state miss the couch and land on the floor. Ohio gave him a look that was obviously fake, he heard the other state laugh a little as well. Indiana helped himself onto the couch. The three knew something was gonna happen, they didn't know when or what it is. They didn't care, they knew that they would probably be safe. Gov and DC didn't say much, they just knew it was bad.

"Why didn't either of you help me?" Indiana asked jokingly, laughing a little.

"You got up before we could." Ohio responded.

"Also it was funny." Alabama added, smiling at his two boyfriends.

"I knew that was why." Indiana said, smiling a little.

"What would y'all like to do?" Alabama asked.

"I don't know, nothing is better than being with you two!" Indiana responded happily, moving so he was laying on his boyfriends laps, looking upwards at Alabama like a puppy.

"You're too cute." Ohio said, looking down at Indiana. Daisy jumped up onto the couch, holding a ball. Ohio threw the ball, watching Daisy chase it.

Daisy jumped up onto the couch again, bringing the ball back.

"Good girl!" Ohio cooed, scratching behind Daisy's ear.

"Can I?" Indiana asked, sitting up and holding the ball Daisy dropped.

"Yeah go ahead." Ohio responded. Indiana threw the ball, smiling as he watched Daisy chase after it.

"That dog is adorable." Alabama said, watching Daisy. She jumped back onto the couch, laying in Ohio's lap.

"Isn't she just the cutest?" Ohio asked Alabama.

"Yes. Yes she is." Alabama responded.

"But not as cute as you!" Alabama continued, smiling at Ohio.

"I love you." Ohio said.

"I love you too." Alabama responded, his smile relaxing, but staying.

"Aww you two are adorable." Indiana cooed, his eyes sparkling.

Alabama laid on the couch, sprawling out. He got out his phone to watch YouTube before being interrupted by a worried Indi.

"What's happening to you?" Ohio asked, very worried, seeing Indiana's hand start turning into what looked like dust before disappearing.

"What's going- oh my god INDIANA!" Alabama saw what happening and immediately freaked out, rushing to his boyfriend's side.

"I-I don't know!" Indiana exclaimed, his legs and part of his waist starting to turn to dust.

"No no no! W-we can st-stop this!" Alabama said, panicking.

"Look it's gonna be fine!" Indiana tried reassuring his boyfriends, he could feel more and more of him starting to fade.

"You promise it'll be fine?" Ohio asked, crying as he held onto Indiana like his life depended on it.

"I promise." Indiana responded, smiling as tears welled in his eyes. Alabama started crying and joined in the hug, holding onto Indiana tightly, or at least what was left of him.

"I'm just happy to be here." Indiana said smiling at Ohio and Alabama.

"With you two, I love you two more than anything." Indiana continued, the last bit of him getting dusted.

Silence filled the air, the only sound being the states cries. Alabama stared in disbelief, hoping that it wasn't real.

"He- he can't be gone." Alabama said, staring off into nothingness.

"H-he's f-fucking dead!" Ohio sobbed, curled up in ball.

He is dead... Alabama thought, not knowing what to do.

The only sound was Ohio's crying as Alabama couldn't believe what had happened.

"He's dead." Was all Alabama said.

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