3. Facing the Guilt

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I turned my chair around from my desk to enjoy the nice sunny view from my office. My office was at the fifth floor. There was a huge park just across the street. Trees and landscaping made the site more appealing and delivered a sense of peace to the mind. Sipping coffee from my mug, I thought of how my weekend turned out to be unexpectedly great but inside,I had started to feel the rising guilt. Amy would be back today, how would I even face her beautiful, innocent face.

I still remembered how we first met, it was a beautiful night with a full moon. My friends had ditched me after a few drinks at the bar, I thought I should take a walk in this beautiful moon light. I could see couples walking by and some were in each others arms.

Walking along my eyes caught a glance of a beautiful and cute girl inside a small Italian restaurant, sitting alone on the table. I could see her clearly from the glass windows. She wore a red dress, fair skinned glowing pink cheeks, black straight hair.It seemed as though she was waiting for someone, checking her watch every few second and looking at the door. I stood by the restaurant for a while watching her, i decided to enter the restaurant, have myself and a meal and see the outcome of this beautiful girl's night, I was intrigued. Perhaps she's waiting for her boyfriend, I thought to myself. What a douche id never let my beautiful girlfriend wait alone like that.

As I entered the restaurant, she looked straight at me and smiled. My feet stopped, I was awed by her beauty and my lips curved into a smile. She immediately stood up. Without thinking, I start walking towards her.

" You are late" she said, shyly

"i... I.. " I didn't know what to say.

"we agreed to meet at 7:00pm for our date, Ive been waiting for the past 30 mins " she said . The look on her face so cute and staring me with her innocent face.

" You are Neil right" she said trying to get that confirmation.

I just wanted to talk to her so I thought lets just play along, well this night is full of surprises for me!

" yeah im Neil " " um , im so sorry that I made you wait for so long. The traffic you know, it was crazy."

"Its really okay she said, so this is your first time" she asked me with those big curious eyes.

"what, me having dinner at a restaurant or me on a date with a beautiful" I replied chuckling

"No no , I mean meeting someone from dating app" she replied laughing.

"Dating app oh ok , yeah ok, umm yup first time" I replied realizing that she came here through dating app and some douche bag Neil stood her up and she thought I was him. I felt that I should just tell her the truth right now.

" why did u choose me , " she said.

" why not , just look at you, you are so gorgeous umm " I was about to get caught because I didn't even know her name.

"But I didn't even put a picture of me" she said . I kept looking at her blankly.

" Personality , lady personality, the way u described yourself was really amazing"

"But I never described my personality in my profile"

I realized ok fuck it now, I could not lie more. I told her that im Brian and not Neil.

"Please don't get mad at me, I saw you from outside and I thought you are really a cute and beautiful girl" said that to her scratching my head.

" I had figured that" she laughed.

" what so you were playing along too" I burst out in laughter. We were both laughing so loud that nearby people turn heads at our table. We ordered a wine after that and then here we are today.

A soft knock came on the door pulling me through from my flashbacks. It was John.

"Read on this file would you" he walked up and left it on my desk.

I looked at the time , and thought that I should get out of the office and buy Amy some gifts and flowers. I wanted to put a smile on her face and give her a gift making her feel that I missed her so much. I should call her, take her some place nice tonight.

" Hey, beautiful, what's my girl up to?"

"Hey love," she replied sweetly " Just unpacking, wont you come over to see me," I could tell she was pouting her bottom lip.

"Baby, I have so much work here, ill finish up as soon as I can, take a quick shower at home and ill come pick you up, we'll go to your favorite restaurant."

"ok baby. I love you."

"I love you too baby."

"I miss you," she said trying to keep me on the line.

I chuckled softly "I miss you too beautiful. See you soon."

I walked along the jewelry shops and saw a beautiful charm for her pandora bracelet. She had a habit of collecting those. I chose a teddy charm, deep down I was sorry and feeling the guilt, an actual giant teddy would make her suspicious and question what the hell did I do this time. Over the years I had already gifted her two giant teddys , one was for working on her birthday and the other was being drunk and knocked out on valentine's day.

I also got her favorite, cheesecake and headed towards my apartment to take a quick shower and change.

I reached home and noticed her car parked in the driveway, I was about to knock on the door before she opened the door and jumped into my arms. She knocked me hard and we both hit the floor .

" I missed you , I missed you , I missed you" she said in a cute voice wrapping her arms around my chest. "Aww, I missed you too baby' I replied kissing her all over her face and tickling her tummy. She giggled out loud as I rolled over her. We were still lying in front on the floor, door still wide open , I lay over her and kissed her lips softly. She smiled , I reached out to my pocket and gave her a small box giftwrapped.

" Oh my god, you missed me so much that you got me a ring" she pushed me off and teased me. She opened up in a hurry.

"A teddy charm, aww baby that's so sweet " she said , I could see love in her eyes.

" Well is that it, I was away for so long, this cant be enough" she rolled her eyes teasing me and then she laughed.

" Come here you brat" I ran after her. she laughed out loud and ran outside to the lawn. I caught her and picked her up in my arms, I kissed her forehead and said that I got her favourite cake too.

"The evening has just started love, we have a lot of fun to have" i smirked.

" Oohh I like that." she said chuckling.

I was carrying her to the house when I halted at the door, there were roses lying on the floor. I put her down to catch a breath and look at her.

"come on in baby" she said in a sexy soft voice. I enter and see that there are candles lit up . champaign was waiting in a bucket of ice and a meal nicely prepared waiting on the dining table. It was all so beautifully arranged and so pleasing to my eyes and heart. I was so happy to come to home to what she had made out of it. This all was so perfect and amazing.

" I really love you " she said softly behind my ears. Hearing that and seeing what she had done doubled my guilt.

My face changed , and it felt like I was forced to put a smile on my face. What happened with Mia never should have happened. Amy is amazing, deserves so much love. She takes care of my every need. I cant let go of her, I can't jeopardize our relationship over lust! what happened in the weekend will never happen again.

"what did you do honey, all these days without me " she asked .

"nothing much baby, just missed you" I said giving a slight smile looking away from her, that was such a lie. why couldn't I face her and see her in the eyes. I have always told her each and every detail of my days, this time I had nothing else to tell her.

I silently prayed that Amy never finds out what happened that weekend, It would break her heart.

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