Chapter 6: Officers Arrest Me for Something I Didn't Do

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"What a day," I say as I drive back to the island house. It was pretty crazy for me. The boys wanted my help filming several videos today. I also ran to the store and I feel like I'm being run ragged. I went to the store to get some food and stuff. Since I've been gone, the sun has sunk below the horizon. I pull into the driveway of the island house and see red and blue lights flashing. "What did those boys do now?"

I pull into the driveway and open my car door. I have a bag of baking ingredients on my arm and a bunch of other items in my arms.

"Excuse me Ma'am. What are you doing here?" A police officer has walked up to me.

"Oh, sorry Officer. I actually live here. I just went to the store to get some stuff so if you don't mind." I try to slide past the police officer but he blocks my path yet again.

I hear his radio crackle to life. I can't quite make out what is said but my officer responds, "Being dealt with. Trying to gain entry. Possible distraction."

"Seriously, Officer, I live here. I went to the store for groceries. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have milk and eggs here that have to get into the fridge." I try to walk around him yet again and am again stopped by him.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry but we can't allow that. Please exit the premise."

"Officer, I'm serious. I live here! These eggs and this gallon of milk have to get into the fridge now. I'm sorry but I'm not going to humor this any further." I force my way around the cop and continue to the front door.

"Suspect heading to main entrance." He starts following me so I quicken my pace. When I open the front door, there's cops swarming the house.

"Ma'am, where do you think you're going?" A female police officer walks up to me.

"As I tried to explain to your colleague outside, I live here. I went the store and have eggs and milk that must be put in the fridge. If that doesn't happen, then they won't be good to make food out of and since I'm a baker, I take the preservation and sanitation of my kitchen very seriously. So, get out of my way. Please."

I try to walk around this officer too, but just like outside, I get stopped.

"I'm afraid I'm going to have to search your bags."

"Fine," I angrily huff out. "Let me set these in the kitchen."

"Ma'am, I need to do it here."

I take a deep breath, trying to get a better grip on my anger. "How about we do it and walk, hm?"

I walk past her and she follows me to the kitchen counter. With her watching me like a hawk, I pull out all my items and put them in there proper places, starting with my milk and eggs. When all the bags are empty, I show her there's nothing else in them.

"Sorry about the trouble Ma'am, but you will have to exit the property."

"Ok, can someone PLEASE tell me why the house is swarming with cops? Because, I live here. I have a right to be here."

"Nathan called us awhile ago to set up a night where we could defend their house while they try to sneak in to get their diamond play button. If they can't get in, we get to keep it."

"Ok, that sounds a lot like my boys. But so I still have to leave the property? I mean, I live here too."

"I'm afraid so. We can't take any risks with who comes in. Anyone could be a distraction. So I'm afraid I have to escort you off the property."

"At least I got my milk and eggs in the fridge. That cop outside didn't seem to understand the importance of getting them into a fridge. And I think I've proved I'm not a distraction. Can I stay and bake you fine officers some cookies, or cake maybe?"

"I, uh, guess?"

"Ok then. Now, if you please, I'm going to get to work. Also, does anyone here have any allergies?"

After a no from her, the officer leaves me alone and I start working on the cookies. There's a bit of a mess in the kitchen so I pick up the items and walk upstairs. After placing them in a couple rooms, the final few items belong in the theater room. I walk to the opposite side of the hallway and see a bunch of officers guarding the hallway.

"Excuse me, officers. I try to slide between them, but they block me again. I try to slide to the side, but they block me again. Sighing in frustration, I quickly crawl between their legs and continue into the theater room. When I get inside, I see the diamond play button sitting on a stool. So that's where it is. I place the stuff down before walking out. The police officers are facing me.

"Miss, what were you doing in there?"

"I live here. I was just cleaning up a mess in the kitchen. When this is all over, I got some fresh biscotti coming out of the oven." I try to walk past yet again. The officers block me, but look inside the room to find the diamond play button, right where they left it. "Can I get past now?"

They move out of my way and I get back to the kitchen. I'm measuring out my flour when Nathan and James bust into the kitchen.

"Aah!" I scream.

"Shh, (Y/n). The cops can't know we're in here!" James frantically whispers at me.

"Get over here," I frantically whisper at them. I hear the pounding of footsteps from the cops. The boys duck behind the counter and hold onto my legs. When the cops get in here, I place a hand on my chest and get ready to act. "Sorry, I thought I saw a bee in here. I'm scared of bees. Sorry I screamed."

The police look at me and walk back to where they were stationed. Once they are gone, I tap the boys on the head and they stand up.

"Thanks Babe."

"No problem, Sugar." I peck him on the lips.

"Any idea where the play button is?" Nathan asks me.

"Theater room. Well guarded."

"We've got a plan. Thanks Babe." James pecks me on the cheek before him and Nathan scamper off, dodging the cops. I sigh as I watch them before turning back to my biscotti.

I hear screaming from upstairs followed by pounding feet. Sounds like Nathan and James are on the run. I chuckle and smile at the noise. Not long after, I hear James screaming. I look up in time to see him running past at full sprint. I laugh as I slide the biscotti into the oven. After 20 or so minutes, I take them out of the oven. Waiting for them to cool, I take a knife out and slice them at a diagonal. After placing them cut sides up, I set them back on a baking sheet for 12-16 minutes. When the oven beeps again, I hear laughing coming in the front door.

"Anyone hungry?" I call, fresh biscotti being moved to a cooling rack.

"I'm always hungry for whatever you make Babe."

"Thanks, Sugar. Tonight, it's biscotti."

"What is biscotti?" Gabe pipes up from the back of the group.

"They literally mean twice-baked. They're crisp and contain nuts, but I made some without nuts. I made sure to really sanitize my equipment so I didn't have any transfer. The ones without nuts are cooling over there. These here are the ones that are with nuts. So, beware."

Everyone descends on my biscotti, saying nothing but good things about it. I smile at all the compliments. James walks next to me and wraps an arm around my waist. I nuzzle into his chest, my arm wrapping around his waist.

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