Chapter Twenty-Five

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Harry watched helplessly as the paramedics put Louis on a stretcher, talking in code about the love of his life.

Harry would have missed it unless he wasn't crying into his hands. There was a piece of folded up paper on the floor. He grabbed the paper before following the paramedics into the ambulance. 

Harry knew something was off after he texted and called Louis a million times. After he saw those blue eyes he couldn't stop thinking about them. 

"Benedict, I'm sorry but I don't like you like that." Harry had rushed out of the bakery leaving Benedict far behind as he rushed home. He called and texted Louis. Louis didn't respond or even read Harry's texts. That's when Harry knew something was wrong. His flat door was left cracked and there was no sign of anyone home. Harry ran up the stairs and found Louis. 

His eyes were rolling back into his head, he was losing consciousness. Blood was everywhere. It seeped through Harry's pants and shirt as he clung to Louis and called 999. When they finally got to the hospital the doctors and nurses wouldn't let Harry see Louis. 

Harry slumped down into a chair. He looked disheveled and was clearly upset. "Harry?" A nurse questioned. "That's me!" Harry jumped up hoping he could go and see Louis. The nurse walked briskly over to his seat, "Would you tell me the names and numbers of other friends or contacts close by?" She asked in a sweet voice. "I'm nurse Angela by the way." She said in a sweet voice. Harry had completely forgotten about the boys. He was so worried about Louis. "I-um," Harry pulled out his phone opening the group chat and gave it to the nurse. "Here." The nurse quickly wrote down the names and numbers. She knew Harry's situation and realised quickly that the boy could barely even breathe let alone talk. She left him alone setting his phone down on the chair. A moment later she was back with a bottle of water. "Drink this, you've been crying a lot. I'm sorry, I'm sure things will be alright." Harry gave a nod and Angela walked back to the reception desk. 

I can't believe I didn't realize. 

He always wore long sleeves. 

Why was he so good at lying? 

This is my fault. 

It has to be. 

Harry thought as he sipped on the cool water. He went to put his hand in his pocket and realised what was in there. The note. Harry pulled it out and began reading.

Dear Hazza,

I guess I don't really know how to start this off, but here goes. I know you are going to go onto great things Haz. You are going to change things in this world immensely. You have already changed my life and given me so much of the world and just genuine happiness. You make me so so so happy, you really do. So don't hold onto me okay. Promise me that you will let go of everything that you know about me, everything part of you that I take up, everything that is me. I want things to be for the good. And this was for the best. All I want to tell you is that you are still young. There is so much of life you have yet to experience. Fall in love. Explore the world. Start a family. Watch all of those cheesy movies you love. Cook new dishes. Hangout with your friends everyday. Just live. I want you to live. If there is one thing I could wish for you it would be to fully enjoy your life. I wish that for everyone. Living is a gift and a curse at the same time. Some people don't want to be here anymore so they pass their life on. I'm doing that. But you Harry, you deserve to be here. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have made it this far. I really appreciate that. Because all of the mornings I spent with you, all of the laughs we had, all of everything we had made me so happy. It made me live. Harry, you made me live. I like you. I love you. I am in love with you. All of it. I wish we could have had all of it. But I couldn't give you anything and you had everything to give. And I'm sorry. I love you so much. That's what I want you to know. I will love you even if you don't love me back and I will keep loving you even when I am six feet into the ground. You put a spell on me. One that almost reversed the curse. But in the end there I will be, there you will be.



And that is how the boys found Harry, curled up in his chair crying over an already tearstained note. 

A/N: Let me know if you want another update! Thank you for all of the votes! I hope you guys are doing awesome with it being summer and all. xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2021 ⏰

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