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1st September, 2017

"Well, Mrs Lupin-Weasley, once again it's a pleasure to be your therapist. The progress you have made is absolutely worthy to be proud of," the brunette woman in front of me closed her notebook, observing me with a gentle smile.

I huffed, smiling, "Alice, after 19 years treating me you're still gonna call me 'Mrs'?"

The woman rolled her eyes, giggling.

"Ugh, I'm sorry, Lilith, we had an inspection yesterday and they keep saying we have to keep some distance with the patients. Olivia thought it was quite stupid since we've been treating the same people since the war ended but you know..."

"Where is she now, by the way? I saw her today early in the morning."

"Oh, she asked for permission to take Maeve to Beauxbatons, you know it's her first day as a witch."

I smiled.

Maeve Khady Bélier was Liv's and Pauline's daughter and my second godchild. 

By 2005, both girls decided that they wanted a larger family further than their loved cats, so they adopted a beautiful muggle baby of curly golden hair, tanned skin and big blue eyes. But what a surprise it was to all of us when just a few months ago, a letter arrived for Maeve from the magic school of Beauxbatons. Liv was completely astonished and Pauline screamed all over the house showing how proud she was about their girl going to her school since she carried first Lin's surname. Both of them were the best mums to their girl and Maeve grew to be a wonderful young woman well-educated and with a huge emotional intelligence.

"She's probably crying right now because she has to leave her baby for more than a day," I giggled.

Standing up from my seat and hugging Alice, I finally got out of her office. 

As I went downstairs in the hospital, I saw Draco running in his uniform, ready to take it off since he was probably late to pick up Scorpius, his son and my third godchild. He waved at me in the distance, smiling and putting his blonde hair out of his face. After the war, Draco was still carrying guilt over his shoulders, which made him want to remedy all the harm he had helped to do, by studying magical medicine and becoming a doctor here at St Mungo's, and one of the most respected ones!

When I arrived on the first floor, my eyes rambled through the crowd of people trying to find that familiar ginger head. I immediately saw him when he stood up to receive me with a  huge smile on his face. He hadn't changed that much during these years, his ginger hair kept brightening hard, his face had only some little wrinkles near his eyes and his body was just as perfect as before, the only sign of age on Fred was the maturity and experience in his eyes that hadn't lost either its mischievous tone.

"Well, darling?" he whispered, giving me a quick kiss. "How was it today?"

"Really good," I smiled at him. "Where did you leave our three beasts?"

Fred giggled, making me melt at his view.

Almost 20 years together and he still had me at his feet...

"They are with Roxanne and Jordan."

"Did you leave the twins with Roxanne?! Oh, Merlin, poor Angie!"

Right after the war ended, I decided to untie all my trauma and hidden emotions by going to therapy, freeing myself and learning how to be my best version. That relief only encouraged me to keep going. I got back into the Harpies for a good couple of years and then started working at The Quibbler with Lee and Angie in the sports section, I took care of my Teddy as much as I could and nowadays he was a handsome and kind 19-year-old boy incredibly similar to Remus but with Tonks's smile and humour.

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