DNA is the same for twins

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Dixie got home with a smile so big it could blind the entire world. She felt so full and light and happy. Happiness was a foreign emotion to her person. She knew it was something you couldn't feel forever that happiness was in moments, memories in a kiss on the cheek or a kind gesture. However, she felt like holding on to the foreign emotion that brought such a smile to her face she felt like living in it in bathing in just the bliss she was so sure could last a lifetime if she tried. 

She and Noah danced in the rain for about an hour, which explains why her dress was soaked head to toe, she was still in Noah's sweater. It smelled so good so sweet so calming. She knew she had to wash it to get the smell of water out, but that would take away his sweet, sweet scent. He had gotten it from his car because he could tell just how cold she was.

"Your shivering," He said holding her shoulder as they swayed. "I'm fine, it's just chilly nothing I can't handle." "I know you can handle it, I'm still going to get you a sweater." "Noah." She couldn't stop him as he walked the couple steps to his car. He came back holding a black or dark blue ( depending on how you look at it and the sunlight ) sweater one Dixie had to see on him a couple of times. 

"Put this on." 

He said when he got close enough. Dixie didn't argue she knew to pick her battles and this one wasn't one she had to win. She smiled and put the jacket over her body instantly feeling the warmth of the cotton and the beautiful smell it held. 

"Thank you." 

She said sweetly hugging her arms around his neck and continuing to sway in the rain. " No need to thank me, when your happy so am I."

She took a quick shower not wanting to spend too much time as she was fairly tired. She got out, put her hair in a messy bun, and remembered what day it was. The ancestry test results were back she remembered throwing the mail on her counter before going to the wedding. She put on some fresh clothes some sweatpants and a crop top she found in the back of her closet. It was one she stole for her sister or ex-sister. 

She walked into the kitchen, grabbed ice cream out of the freezer, and looked through the mail on the counter until she spotted something that said "DNA test results property of the ancestry company." She opened the envelope and practically choked on the spoon of ice cream in her mouth. 

She remembered her mom telling her about how twins share 100% of their DNA. She couldn't remember the exact conversion but she did remember her mentioning it. So when she saw that both Mads and Noah shared exactly 100% of their DNA she couldn't help but put pieces together. 

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