chapter 1

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few years back......

I screamed and cried as 3 strong men raped me. 2 of them were pining me down while the other used all his force to enter me. They kept taking turns, even though I was TRYING to fight back I couldn't compete with all 3 of them, so I just stopped trying bc I knew I wasn't going to get anywhere.

After hours they let me go back home and I told my mom everything that just happened.

*Few months later*

"Momma my stomach hurts badly" I cried to my mother as I was throwing up.

"You wanna go to the hospital or no" my momma asked me

"Yes" I said

She picked me up and carried to to the car and drove off to the hospital. Once we got there my mom signed in or w/e.

"Ms. Smith" the lady doctor called

"C'mon that's us desire" my momma said

We went back to the lil room at the hospital and they ran sum test on me and asked me to pee in a cup or what not. The doctor eventually came back

"Congratulations your 3 months pregnant" the doctor said

I immediately started crying bc I'm only 13 my birthday is in 3 more months and I'm not going to be able to provide for a baby by myself PLUS IM STILL IN SCHOOL.

My mom came to the side of the bed and just comforted me

"Do you wanna keep the baby?" My momma asked me

"Yes" I said

Even thought I wasn't ready I didn't really like abortions and killing babies and stuff like that

"Ok, well we gon be good just me, you, and my grandbaby" my momma said

"I don't even know who the father is tho" I cried harder

"Shhhh baby it's ok" my momma said tryna calm me down

Ok so likeeeeeeee lemme know how I did bc this first book so ntm on me😩

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