Sunset Festival

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And the day had arrived, the Sunset festival.

It is held once a year, to celebrate the birth of the kingdom.

Coincidentaly, it's happening during the time the crown prince sucessfully returned from his expedition. 

The sunset festival is held during the sunset and for the rest of the evening, just as described in history books, it's going to be a magical experience. 

It's similar to a modern festival, there are games, plays, and lantern events.

The most popular event held is the Ciel lantern event, people would buy lanterns and release them exactly in midnight.

Legend says you must make a wish with your heart's content. If you deserve it, it will come true.

That's why it's going to be extra special on the day. Then the next day would be a grand ball held for the nobles...

It would be tiring to have that many activities, so both events will be held in evening.. 

Melanie sighs as her hair gets done by the maids.

"Is there something wrong my lady?" Chloe asked.

"No.. well... Lilianne hasn't contacted me since I sent her the bracelet... And not to mention this is the time where friends invite eachother to festivals." Melanie replied.

"I'm sure her highness is busy, after all the festival is held for the empire." Chloe smiled.

'Maybe she got disgusted since I sent her that matching dream stone?' Melanie thought and began to be paranoid.

The festival was soon to start, Melanie was too excited to think about who invited her or not.

"Father, aren't you going to come with me?" Melanie asked before stepping in the carriage.

"Oh, I need to do something before going to the festival." The Marquess said.

"I can wait for you, let's go together." Melanie replied.

"Oh alright, I have to stop by the palace for a few things, and-" He was cut off.

Melanie shut the carriage door and waved goodbye.

'This girl-' the Marquess sighed before waving back.

Melanie looked out the window as the carriage heads to the destination.

'It's quite unfortunate that Chloe couldn't come...' she thought.

Chloe took a leave to spend time with her family for the festival.

Well, fortunately Melanie wasn't alone.


"We're here my lady!" The coachman says.

Rather than the coachman assisting her off the carriage, Ethan offered his hand.

Melanie smiled, as she placed her hand on his and got off.

"Enjoy the festival." She said to the coachman who bowed and drove away.


"Goodness! Is this the same town as the capital town from before-" Melanie said to herself.

She gasped everytime she saw something amazing.

Like a shooting range, with stuffed toys, candy stalls, and the beautiful fairy lights.

There were also many lantern stalls, and Melanie was most excited for that.

Melanie scurried to the stalls, "Wow! wow!" She was basically drooling for the food.

"Oh my! How attractive!" Women were cheering in the background.

Melanie turned back, suddenly it was like bright sunlight blinding her.

'why is there sunlight blinding me during the night?!' she thought while she squinted her eyes.

The brightness toned down, she hesitantly opened her eyes.

"Oh." She froze.

"Melanie!!!" Lilianne rushed to her with a big embrace.

"Of course they'd be shining visuals" Melanie mumbled to herself.

"I missed you!" She said as she pulled back from the hug.

"Y-yeah." Melanie replied.

She only stuttered because there were tall handsome men accompanying her.

"Greetings, Lady Melanie." Jin said.

"Oh, Hello Lord Jin." Melanie bowed.

"I'm truly grateful for your gift, I will cherish it forever." He smiled.

Right, Jin never really got a gift from other nobles. That's because he always rejected it due to his father getting in his personal business.

Fortunately, he accepted Melanie's gift.

"That's good." Melanie smiled back.

"Lady Melanie, that wine you gave was so good! I hope you send some more in the future." Cyro chuckled.

"Of course~" Melanie replied.

Her eyes met with Peter, who she hasn't talked to since their friendly date.

She gazed on his outfit.

"...!" Her eyes widened.

"Ehem." He pushed his chest out making sure she sees it.

Peter was wearing her gift, the dazzling white brooch.

"I like the gift too." He said, but his gaze averted.

"Pfft." She laughed. "It suits you." She said.

Peter was flustered, to the point his face turned red.

Everyone was quite surprised, Melanie was quite dull though she hadn't noticed.

Lilianne glared at her brother, "She's mine" she mumbled.

"We're friends now you know." Peter replied.

"???" Melanie was quite confused.

Lilianne laughed, but her expression looked like she pitied him.

"Friends?? You two?? Pfft!" She gave an evil laugh.

She put up her wrist, "You see this? She gave me a dream stone with her nickname engraved onto it." She flexed.

But she suddenly hesitated and glanced at Melanie.

'what's with that look?' Melanie thought.

"Oh!" She said, as Melanie put her wrist up and showed that she was also wearing her bracelet.

Lilianne was so touched she covered her mouth and tears were flowing down like waterfalls.

But, her mood change and turned back to mocking her brother.

"Shoot everything in 1 minute you'll get this bear!" A man said from afar, showing off a big stuffed teddy bear.

And in that moment, Melanie disappeared without a trace.

"?!?!" Jin was shocked.

"Oh dear, she disappeared in thin air." Cyro said.

"Master!!" The twins run off in search for her.

"She ran away because you were too cocky." Peter said.

Lilianne scoffed, 'She ran off because your face made her sick."

"No, your face made her sick." Peter argued.

And then continued a fight between gorgeous visuals.

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