Isuzu its okay

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I arrived home from a shopping trip with Tohru. She opened the door and I heard a quiet scared yelling I quickly looked and it was Rin? She was on the ground whisper yelling "don't yell at me." Tohru quickly said "are you okay?!" As Tin backed into the corner saying sacredly "mama papa please don't yell at me!" I slowly made my way over to her to not scare her even more.

I pulled her head into my shoulder her arms quickly wrapped around my torso as her breathing became softer but she was still crying holding onto me like I would vanish. Shigure was at the door way just looking so I ignored him. While Tohru asking what we could do to help her. I could feel Rin's breath becoming softer she was definitely asleep. I felt her hand grab my hand and suddenly for the first time in almost forever I got a memory.

Rin was on the ground and Haru came up to her telling her he would be back to go for his sensei. When she woke up she was in the hospital with master Kazuma there as she started to freak out about going home Kazuma told her that her parents were already contacted but he was more worried about her injuries. It was almost as I could feel her heart quicken when she heard that she was almost begging him to believe that they wouldn't do that.

Suddenly her parents were at the door as Rin said she needed to go home and her mom said in a monotone voice " no you don't ever need to come home. This isn't going to work I don't know how I'm supposed to love you. I can't anymore." Rin said "no! Wait! I'm really sorry!" She begged her parents not to leave her her breath shaky and mind scared.

Haru suddenly raises his voice as says "really? How could you say something like that to your own daughter?! What kind of parents are you? A kid can't cope with crap like that. She blames herself for the things you did! She's hurt so badly she ended up here and you don't even feel bad at all? Adults take their anger out on us and laugh at us they hit us and neglect us and it hurts! We feel pain just like you do morons! Why can't you understand something so simple?! Come back apologize!" Her parents walked away as he yelled for them to come back and apologize while master held him back. Rin felt relieved thankful to Haru for sticking up for her. Tears dropped from her eyes and she said "T-Thank you Haru." Tears dropped out of both of their eyes.

Suddenly the memory was over I felt tears on my face as I held onto Rin asleep in my arms even tighter. I feel so bad for all of the Zodiacs they have all gone through so much. Suddenly she transformed into a horse probably due to her exhaustion. So I waited there until she turned back and I carried her upstairs to me and Tohru's room so she could rest.

I stayed with her and Tohru went to go make her some food. Soon she was awake she seemed calm but distant and she wouldn't say much. Shigure and Hatori soon came in to check up on her. They started talking about hospitals and I could see the fear on her face I said "Hey! Stop you little dog freak she's not going if she doesn't want to!" They all looked at me and Shigure and Hatori tried to open their mouths and I said "No. stop you guys are just going to stress her out more!" I looked over to Rjn to see her more calm. I looked at Shigure and Hatori and pointed to the door. Shigure put his head down like a dog as he walked out.

Once they were gone I plopped down next to Rin and said "don't worry if you don't wanna go you don't have to." She nodded and looked away. Tohru set up her food in the room but she didn't want to eat I even tried to feed her like a baby but she just glared at me. I soon fell asleep on the floor next to her.

I soon woke up to a small yelling fit it was Tohru and her. Rin was yelling "YOU CANT BREAK THE CURSE JUST STOP!" I quickly stood up and said "Rin do you know something about it?" She said "No stop not you to! You can't do just stop I can't free him!" I said "no just calm down!" She suddenly bursted up and ran out of the door and I ran right after her if she knew something I need to know for Yuki!

She ran and suddenly tripped and ran over and I said "Rin it's okay." She looked up as Tohru came over to us as well we both sat next to her and she quickly hugged us both. I don't know why I was also crying but I felt a tear run down my cheek I quickly rubbed it off so Tohru would not see. Soon she was taken to the hospital even despite our denial.

And now if my morning wasn't enough already I was now at school. I was walking with Haru and Yuki. Haru was talking about how when he went to go visit Rin she swung and Iv poll at him, I almost wanted to laugh. Suddenly there was an announcement it was Kimi she said in a cutesy voice "Yun~Yun where are you playing hooky~? Our meeting is about to start ~so come to Kimi~!" And then she said in a monotone"oh yeah and y/n come to the student council room." She hung up I groaned as I started walking away quickly obviously mad.

Yuki tried to catch up with me but was caught my Manabe talking to him. I was jealous all these girls always flirting with Yuki while I'm his girlfriend how weird! I soon heard Yukis voice calling out to me so I started walking faster she said "hey slow down." So I walked even faster. He soon caught up and grabbed me by the hand and said "hey your not jealous are you?" I laughed for said "pfttt me jealous about girl alway constantly flirting with my boyfriend no wayyyy." He looked at me with an unamused face and said "no need to be I only love you." I blushed and looked away and said "whatever let's go to the student council room."then I said in a quiet voice "but I love you to." And I quickly walked to the room as I heard him laugh.

After the meeting we were home I was tired so I had Yuki feed me I wasn't really that tired I just wanted him to without seeming suspicious to the the others. We started talking about the culture festival that student council was planning. Tohru said "I heard that there is going to be a bonfire and maybe even fireworks." I said " yeah I wish we could do that to much workkkk." Kyo said quietly "lazy ass." I glared at him as I flipped him off but right as Tohru looked at me I put up a peace sign and smiled. She laughed a bit and said "oh yeah!" She left and went to grab something.

Soon Tohru came back with Jello! I grabbed one as I gave it to Yuki and said "feed me!" He rolled his eyes as he started to feed me. Tohru and Kyo were talking more like totally flirting! But I don't think Tohru noticed that she was. And Shigure said "Tohru as a token of my appreciation let me feed you this jello!" I smacked it right out of his hand and he said in a whiny voice "but Yuki got to feed youuuu!" I said "and your point you creep!" He whined some more while yelled at him.

Later that night I was laying in bed next to Tohru but I could help but think more about the curse how could I break it? I need to break it. I can't have anyone I love be going through this anymore. Tohru is struggling because of it Yuki is struggling because of it what am I supposed to do now!?

Sorry for not posting for a longgggg time I will try to post more often I just haven't been feeling motivated. Sorry for any spelling errors hope you enjoyed!

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